Indoor air quality and thermal comfort studies of an under-floor air-conditioning system in the tropics.

Gives a report on thermal comfort and IAQ studies of an under-floor air-conditioning (UFAC) system in a hot and humid climate. In order to predict the airflow pattern of the supply air jet and to determine the occurrence of thermal stratification in the office room, thermal comfort parameters were measured at predetermined grid points within an imaginary plane. The authors also used Fanger's thermal comfort index to detect the occupants' thermal sensation, and measurements were made of the concentration levels of dust and carbon dioxide.

Global energy savings in office buildings by the use of daylighting.

Outlines a study carried out in order to assess the impact of lighting energy savings on global energy consumption for office buildings. It is the result of combining both daylighting and thermal aspects in an integrated approach, and the present article concentrates on the simulation results. A modelling exercise was carried out for several facade configurations, for the four main orientations and three combinations of internal wall reflection coefficients. To perform the simulations, a daylighting simulation tool (ADELINE) was coupled with a dynamic thermal simulation software (TRNSYS).

Essai d'une methode de verification des performances de la ventilation dans les batiments tertiaries, en France. Trial of a test method for ventilation performance in tertiary buildings in France.

In France, the performance of ventilation systems in existing buildings is poorly understood today and rarely checked. This article shows how a verification method for ventilation system performance, currently in operation in Sweden, can be applied in France.

Les poutres froides. La solution pour une ambiance interieure confortable.

Developed in the 80s in Scandinavia, the principle of cooling and heating by ceiling beam now comprises a large element of current techniques for the conditioning of large buildings in northern Europe, the UK, Germany and the Benelux countries, and for several years now also in France. Describes the principles of chilled beam conditioning.

Systemes de diffusion grande hauteur. Large diffusion systems.

The most carefully calculated and designed air conditioning installation will not be comfortable for the occupants unless the air diffuser is chosen correctly. It is the determination of the former which will enable a zone to have a homogenous temperature at all points and an absence of noxious draughts in the occupation zone. The classic large scale air diffuser therefore is the intermediary between installation of air conditioning and the premises to be conditioned. Discusses the role of the air diffuser in detail.

Guide pratique sur la modulation des debits de ventilation. Practical guide for the modulation of ventilation losses.

In order to adapt ventilation losses to the actual use of the premises one must aim to control the energy loads due to air renewal while at the same time ensuring the maintenance of good indoor air quality for comfort and hygiene for the occupants. The principle applications are premises presenting wide variations in occupation: number of occupants, but also effective hours of use. These systems are effective and economic, but they must be designed and installed correctly.

Traitement des polluants gazeuz de l'air: performances des charbons actifs. Treatment of gaseous pollutants in air: the performance of active carbon.

Adsorbant filters are used to reduce odours and gas concentrations in air. They are also used in industry as well as in the commercial environment to treat ventilation air in buildings and motor vehicle conditioning systems. The article discusses methods to determine their performance.

Impact de la pollution exterieure sur la qualite de l'air interieur. Impact of outdoor pollution on indoor air quality.

Discusses this rarely examined aspect of indoor air quality. Specifically describes a study carried out on an unoccupied apartment on a road with heavy traffic, on the third floor of a block dating from 1955. The aim was to evaluate the transfer of pollution between outside and inside. Parameters considered were ventilation status, season, outdoor pollution levels, and the presence of adsorbing materials.

Les usages gaz naturel en piscine. Uses of natural gas in a swimming pool.

States that various gas techniques seem to be technically and economically of interest to ensure the heating of swimming pools: condensation heaters, the production of instant ECS, low temperature heated flooring, etc. Equally, cogeneration offers wide possibilities. The article gives an introductory note on each of these technologies.

Deshumidification de la piscine de l'INSEP. Dehumidification of the INSEP, Paris swimming pool.

States that air humidity in swimming pools must be closely controlled on the one hand for user comfort, and on the other for the durability of the building structure. Describes how the INSEP pool in Paris has opted for a partial thermodynamic dehumidification system. Finds that although the condensate levels were higher than recommended at time of measuring, this pool nevertheless showed satisfactory results in terms of energy consumption and costs. Also found that the heat demand of the pool compared favourably with an ordinary sports hall in relation to outdoor temperatures.
