States that quite simple formulae can be used for humid air, but that this is not the case for humid temperature. Gives an overview of the iterative method to be used in this case.
Brief article introducing issues in the topic of thermal comfort standards and outlining papers from a recent conference on the subject held at Windsor, UK.
Economic and polyvalent, numerical simulation, or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) lends itself to the topic of air diffusion. An overview of this useful modelling strategy.
Describes how CSTB undertook an experimental study of three schools in the Paris region to get to know the real quality of indoor air in educational buildings.
Explains the importance of taking into account several parameters, one of which being the effect of the installation of the ventilator into the circuit, when analysing ventilator energy consumption.
Modulated ventilation would seem to be an interesting solution, capable of satisfying the demands of air quality in commercial buildings while avoiding thermal losses. The article gives an overview of this type of ventilation system.
The Ajust'Air concept makes it possible to adjust between the entry loss of fresh air and the extraction of tainted air in the locality following the ventilation requirements marked by the carbon gas parameter.
Air conditioning systems are often held to have effects upon the workforce. This research tried to assess whether continuous exposure to air-conditioning during working hours had any observable effect on health or not. A comparison was made of absence due to sickness recorded by the employers' doctors over two years in two groups of workers employed in similar jobs in the French National Electric and Gas Company in Western France. One group spent most of their time in air conditioned offices but the other worked in a natural atmosphere.