Results of a CFD simulation of the wind-assisted stack ventilation of a single-storey enclosure with high and low-level ventilation openings are presented and compared with both the laboratory measurements and the analytical model of the flow and thermal stratification developed by Hunt and Linden (2001). Comparisons show that close quantitative agreement is obtained between the thermal stratification predicted by the CFD and the analytical model and experimental measurements.
The International Space Station (ISS) is the biggest multinational space program ever with 16 countries involved. Since November 2000 the station is permanently occupied with a crew of 3 astronauts. Till 2006 the station will be further assembled and the crew will be increased to 7 astronauts. To maintain a comfortable and safe environment under micro gravity conditions in a completely sealed space habitat advanced ventilation technology had to be developed to maintain air temperature, air humidity and air velocity as well as contaminant concentrations well below required levels.
In the framework of SOLVENT project, work was carried out to develop strategies and dissemination material to assist the efficient application of solar and passive ventilation in urban buildings. The information gathered during the project is synthesized in a website designed for the 'informed' architect and also useful to HVAC engineers in their discussions with their clients.
This study investigates the application of night ventilation techniques in ten urban canyons, situated in the extended region of Athens, Greece. In order to determine the impact of the urban environment on the night ventilation performance, the outdoor air temperature and wind profile have been measured inside and outside the experimental canyons.
The Building Regulations with regard to the energy performance of buildings in the Netherlands is an attempt to a performance oriented requirement in conjunction with a test standard. The test standard in fact means a calculation procedure. The requirements are given in the Dutch Building Decree. This Decree is coupled to the building act. Within the scope of an application for a building permit is has to be proven that the energy use of the building does not reach the maximum allowed energy amount set for that building.
In urban areas, people stand the most of their time in indoor environment. In this context, indoor air quality is more and more a subject of concern. Outdoor air quality can have a large impact on indoor air quality. An experimental study has been conducted into a dwelling, in collaboration between the LHVP and the CSTB, in order to study the indoor concentration of pollutants depending on the outdoor pollution and the air renewal due to ventilation system. Different experiments have been conducted in an empty dwelling situated in a polluted area in Paris during winter and summer periods.
The objectives of this research were to predict contaminant concentration distribution in occupied zone and contaminant removal efficiency as a function of an occupied zone obstruction level, air distribution method, air change rate, cooling load and contaminant source non-uniformity. The final objective was to develop a concentration variation coefficient to be used for design of air distribution systems. Concludes that the room air distribution method results in contaminant concentration non-uniformity inside the occupied zone.
Describes a study which examined the effect of temperatures of 23, 29, and 50 Deg C on formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission from laminate flooring Type A (with particleboard as substrate) and Type B (with high density fibre (HDF). For the first two temperatures, the measurements did not show any emissions of formaldehyde and very low emissions of VOCs. At the highest temperature however, Type A showed a high initial emission of formaldehyde and VOCs, decreasing with time. There were much lower emissions from Type B.
Documents what some builders have said about problems with moisture, soot and IAQ in relation to unvented gas fireplaces. Unvented gas fireplaces have become popular recently in the US due to their low cost and flexibility in installation. However many building scientists and indoor air quality professionals have warned against their use because discharging combustion by products into the home invites serious moisture and IAQ problems.