Study of airflow and contaminant migration simulation results for tall buildings finds some vary markedly from measured results.

Describes a project which attempted to match simulated and measured tracer gas test results and to determine how much effort is necessary to produce sufficiently accurate results. The research assessed the overall value of CONTAM96 as a representative example of available simulation-model programs from both technical and practical viewpoints.

Investigation identifies likely causes of complaints about poor IAQ.

Details a NIOSH (US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) investigation of a school whose occupants suffered from allergic symptoms. The investigation found that occupants' symptoms were consistent with sick building syndrome. Many complaints were apparently related to insufficient outdoor air, temperature extremes in some cases, and temperature controls that were inadequately responsive to classroom conditions.

Built-in community. Pleasant Hill cohousing demonstrates innovations in sustainability.

Cohousing communities balance the traditional advantages of home ownership with the benefits of shared common facilities and ongoing connections wit neighbours. The communities consists of private dwellings with their own kitchens, living-dining rooms, and so on. Residents also have common facilities, such as a dining room, a community kitchen, lounges, meeting rooms, a laundry room, recreation facilities, a library, workshops, or a childcare area.

Creating airtight and healthy homes.

States that with the ill effects of poor indoor air quality often in the news these days, it pays to design and build a house that is healthy from the start. States that a comprehensive approach to residential design has emerged in recent years that makes both energy conservation and good indoor air quality achievable in homes.

Cost effective efficiency in Houston.

Describes a new starter home designed to be climate-specifically energy efficient for the suburbs of Houston, Texas, USA. The home is intended to demonstrate energy efficient building strategies for a hot-humid climate, but at a minimum cost increase over the builder's current product. The many energy efficient technologies incorporated into the design proved that they allow builders to offer better homes at almost no added cost.

Performance comes home for Steve Thomas.

Describes the energy efficient retrofit of a residential building following a home performance assessment. Home performance contractors were able to save the owner 40% in annual heating costs with an insulation upgrade, a heating and hot water system replacement and air sealing in the 200 year old house. As part of a promotion exercise for the new Home Performance with Energy Star initiative in New York, the house was the demonstration site for a TV and video production.

Public housing breaks the mould. Part II: Veterans era housing.

Part 1 of this feature discussed the particular moisture and air quality related problems of midrise housing, and took a close look at two cases. This article analyses issues unique to 'Veterans Era Housing' (US housing built for World War II veterans during the 40s and 50s) and presents three cases where moisture problems were successfully addressed.

Assessment of velocity fields in the vicinity of rectangular exhaust hood openings.

Presents new empirical formulae for the prediction of the air velocity in front of rectangular (slot) openings. Infers the equations from an experimental study of a common type of local exhaust opening. The formulae describe the three-dimensional velocity field near a rectangular exhaust hood, providing the velocity gradients along suitable directions, parallel to the slot axis. Testing of the formulae showed a good fit to the experimental data.

Effect of various factors on the rate of radon entry into two different types of houses.

Two detached houses situated on a hill, a slab-on-grade and a basement building, were used to assess factors that affect the rate of radon entry. For the former, the rate reached its maximum during a particular weather condition when the internal transport of radon was induced by the wind. The latter's rate was highest when the wind blew towards the hill. Changes in barometric pressure did not influence either. Rain affected the rate for the latter house. For the former house the adjusted rate of radon entry showed it to be higher in the morning.

Tar fumes trigger inquiry that finds source of IAQ ills at school.

Describes a case of an elementary school which suffers indoor air quality problems as a result of the application of hot coal-tar to the roof, causing major health concerns. Eight roof-mounted air handling units provided heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The space above the ceiling served as the return-air plenum. Four AHUs provided ventilation to most classrooms with variable air volume boxes controlling airflow. Outdoor air intake dampers on each AHU supplied 10% outdoor air to each wing of the school.
