Characterization of particulate emissions from occupant activities in offices.

This paper characterizes the relationship between occupant activities and indoor air particulate levels in a non-smoking office building. Occupant activities were recorded on video. Particulate concentrations were monitored by three optical particle counters (OPCs) in five size ranges at three heights. Particulate mass concentrations were measured gravimetrically and bioaerosol concentrations were determined by impaction methods. Occupant activities and number concentrations were determined with 1-min resolution over a 1-week period.

Size distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor airborne particulates.

A survey of the particle-size distribution of 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in indoor and outdoor air was performed in 20 homes in several Japanese cities. Highest PAH concentrations were found in the fine-particle fraction (smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter). The pro· portion of indoor PAH concentrations in fine particles was found to be higher than that of outdoors.

Characteristics of bioaerosol profile in office buildings in Hong Kong.

A series of bioaerosol measurements have been conducted at two typical offices in Hong Kong for both a 4-day and a weekly period. Both the investigated offices were installed with heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HV AC) systems coupling with air handling units and fan coil units. Measurements were performed starting from early morning by the Anderson N6 impactor.

Ventilation for enclosed parking garages.


Mary's story. A lab design gone wrong.

Mary is a person who suffered terrible health problems, most likely stemming from the design conditions in a lab in which she worked. Designers everywhere can learn from her experience.
