Summary of country presentations


Future steps for QUALICHeCK


AIVC Newsletter, March 2016

The ninth issue of the AIVC newsletter, released in March 2016 . Contents include:

  • Foreword
  • AIVC launches new Technical Note on residential ventilation and health
  • Feedback from 2015 AIVC Madrid conference
  • 36th AIVC Conference, 2015: Best paper, best poster awards
  • September 12-14, 2016: 37th AIVC –ASHRAE- IAQ joint conference Alexandria, VA, USA
  • Workshops at Clima conference
  • ASHRAE funds projects on natural ventilation and airtightness 
  • BUILD UP: promote yourself! 
  • AIVC list of board members 

Ventilation strategies for the deep energy retrofit of a kindergarten

The scientific literature often reports example of educational buildings with extremely poor ventilation performance. An in-field investigation for the environmental and energy assessment of a kindergarten in Milano, confirmed that operable windows were not operated when the average daily temperature dropped below 14 °C, jeopardizing indoor air quality and kids learning performance.

Indoor climate assessment of a classroom with mechanical ventilation and operable windows

Ventilation air may be provided in buildings by means of natural or mechanical strategies. When a HVAC system is installed, thermal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ) may be controlled with higher precision. However, especially between the 70s and the 90s, mechanical ventilation systems have been installed on formerly naturally ventilated buildings without providing any control for natural ventilation.
