This paper presents an original protocol to measure the fluodynamic performance of hoods in the laboratory. Results are presented both in terms of contaminant removal efficiency and flow field. The measuring campaign has been performed in order to assess how the hood performance is influenced by the boundary conditions, the hood geometry, and the heat power released by cooking appliances.
The initial findings of a project initiated in the University of Coimbra and dealing with the conjugated influence of multiple stressors in riding passengers are presented in this paper. A field study in public transportation buses was conducted, having been the subjective responses of the occupants collected and the physical parameters related to the thermal comfort, noise, vibration and air quality acquired. In the questionnaires, the PMV scale was used to evaluate the thermal aspects and, for the other stressors, a five-point scale, from very uncomfortable to very comfortable, was used.
The study of the flow in a room cooled by a fan-coil pointed out how the form of air flow and comfort could be influenced by the characteristics of the cold jet blowing out. It is based both on practical experiment and on numerical simulation using CFD code. Combining these methods allowed a large number of configurations to be studied, in association with different conditions for the appliance. Using the results in combination enabled a relation to be established between the problem data, the device characteristics and the comfort conditions obtained.
Thermal comfort i8sues in a commercial kitchen were studied in a laboratory test series. A commercial instrument was used to predict the thermal comfort of the kitchen personnel working near the hot cooking surfaces. The effect of variables like supply air type and personal nozzles were studied using a thermal comfort meter showing PMV and PPD indeces.
The purpose of this study is to find more information of the complicated air flow pattern in the SchOnbrunn palace. The aim is to improve the control of the air infiltration. We have used a passive tracer gas technique, a special case of the constant injection technique, called the homogeneous emission technique. The results gives Air Change Rate's (ACH) of 0,7 to 1,7 in different rooms and parts of the palace. Wind driven ventilation dominates stack driven ventilation. We found a considerable air flow between floors.
This paper presents a way of ventilating a large room so that the room can be divided into different zones by temporary vertical walls (canvas, plastic sheets etc) and with no physical ceiling. Different activities, like welding, painting or mechanical assembly, can go on inside each of these zones, unaffected by each other, as long as pollutants are extracted through designated extract openings in the outer walls. These inner, temporary walls need only reach from say 3 - 4 metres above the floor and up to some metres above the pollutants' height of equilibrium.
The coupling of simulation methods is an interesting way to get improved or new results concerning thermal conditions in ventilated, heated, and air conditioned rooms. Some results are given for an investigation of a room in a low energy house by building simulation including CFO and the simulation of several heating systems. Comparative studies are done in two different ways. The first way serves to get results about different heating systems concerning thermal comfort and energy consumption and the second one to study the influence of the CFO calculation on the results.
In this paper the experiences carried out in a large church of Bologna equipped with a floor radiant panels heating plant are presented. High intensity air flows were measured not compatible with thermal comfort. Experimental data will form the basis for understanding and controlling thermal instabilities in very high halls.
In the large space, for example in large-dome, the space is often divided into some zones without partition walls for air conditioning. In this case the following are problematic, The first problem is that it is difficult to control the temperature of the target zone considering the influence by the supply air temperature in the adjacent zone for air conditioning. The second problem is that it is difficult to set the temperature sensor for air conditioning control at the location in which the temperature means the average temperature in the target zone.