Influence of various factors on the predictions furnished by CFD in cross-ventilation simulations.

The results of various numerical simulations of wind induced flows through large openings in a room are presented. The study is parametric on the sizes and relative positions of the openings and the wind direction. Various grid densities have been used. Grid independency for the presented results is demonstrated. Validation of the numerical approach is performed using measurements on a test cell with a single opening. The influence of the inflow wind profile is studied. It is shown that different flow patterns are induced within the dwelling when different profiles are assumed.

Oversized kitchen fans - an exhausting problem.

No longer relegated to the garage or the workshop, the search for more power is taking over the kitchen, as commercial-sized kitchen fans invade the home. The problem is, residential kitchens aren't regulated the way commercial kitchens are. This causes potential hazards when these huge fans are turned on.

Influence of the boundary thermal conditions on the air change efficiency indexes.

The influence of a thermal heterogeneity boundary conditions on the air change efficiency (ACE) of a mechanical ventilation system in a test room was experimentally evaluated by means of the "step-down" tracer gas technique in 24 different experimental conditions. The experiments were performed under isothermal condition, varying the air supply temperature with respect to the walls and varying the surface temperature of a wall with respect to the other walls and the supply air, simulating both heating and cooling situations.

A study on the prediction of the thermal environment in a large glass covered atrium using natural ventilation.

In predicting the thermal environment of an indoor space affected seriously by the outdoor weather like an atrium using natural ventilation, it is essential to grasp the impact of the external outdoor weather precisely. This report describes the result of the analysis of the outdorr and indoor region including solar radiation analysis considering the date and hour, latitude and longitude taking the atrium under construction in Kyoto as an example.

A guide to efficient laboratory ventilation.


Climatic design of a new housing area.

 In 1984 the municipality of Frederikshavn in northern Jutland, Denmark initiated a project for the climatic design of a new housing area. The site is particularly exposed to strong winds all the year round and one of the major tasks was to design the overall building site and the buildings so that major improvements in the exterior wind environment were achieved. Furthermore the design brief from the municipality called for an overall climatic design, where low-energy solutions were combined with consideration of the exterior environment near the buildings.

Heat recovery in natural ventilation design of office buildings.

In the EU Joule project Nat Vent one of the work packages was dealing with controlled air flow inlets. During the last conference in Greece and overview was presented on availability, performances and application of controlled air flow inlets. At the presented poster an interactive IAQ computer tool was demonstrated. This tool has been improved and is now available. Some participating countries in the Nat Vent project have carried out special tests with the NatVent IAQ tool. The NatVent participants were asked to design a natural ventilation system according to their national requirements.

Servicing a site.

