Energy diagnostic system.

The Energy Diagnostic System (EDS) automatically reviews the energy condition of a building and performs some simple diagnostics. The system contains a thermal model of the building that has been determined earlier in a learning period of approximately 90 days after the installation of the system. This model calculates the reference energy consumption. The energy condition is determined by comparing the measured energy consumption with this calculated energy consumption.

Solar so good.

The Doxford Solar Office is claimed to be the first in Europe with an integrated photovoltaic facade and an holistic energy strategy. How has the building performed since completion?

The illusion of clean air.


The sound of sickness.

Ventilation system designers may be guilty of professional negligence by working with inaccurate noise data and, even worse, they may be unwittingly causing Sick Building Syndrome. Ewen Rose reports

Hygienic aspects of ground-coupled air systems.

Numerous ground-coupled air systems have been constructed in combination with heat recovery units in mechanically ventilated buildings in Switzerland. The objective of this study was to investigate the microbial content within these ventilation systems and to monitor the quality of the air supply. The concentrations and the types of microorganisms in the outdoor air, in the air of the pipes and in the supply air of twelve groundcoupled air systems were determined. In addition, three buildings were examined four times a year to cover seasonal changes.

The influence of human activity on the vertical distribution of airborne particle concentration in confined environments: preliminary results.

Vertical concentration profiles for various size fractions of airborne particulate matter have been measured in a nonsmoking indoor environment used mainly as a meeting point during coffee break (11.00 a.m.) and tea time (4.00 p.m.). This monitoring exercise was carried out using a novel sampling system specifically designed for measuring concentration gradients of airborne particles (but which can be easily modified for gaseous pollutants) over the first three metres from ground. The results show substantial gradients in concentration, with the highest occurring at around 1.3 m height.

Air sick - getting fresh on board.

Statistics indicate that flying is the safest way to travet, but a trip on a ptane coutd be more hazardous to your health than you might imagine. Carolynne Dear reports.

Sensor-based demand-controlled ventilation: a review.

With sensor-based demand-controlled ventilation ( SBDCV), the rate of ventilation is modulated over time based on the signals from indoor air pollutant or occupancy sensors. SBDCV offers two potential advantages: better control of indoor pollutant concentrations, mid lower energy use and peak energy demand.
