Indoor-outdoor relationships of respirable sulfates and particles.

Indoor and outdoor concentrations of respirable particulates and sulfates have been measured in 68 homes in six cities for at least 1 yr. A conservation of mass model was derived describing indoor concentrations in terms of outdoor concentrations, infiltration and indoor sources. The measured data were analysed to identify important building characteristics and to quantify their effect. The mean infiltration rate of outdoor fine particulates was found to be approximately 70 %- Cigarette smqking was found to be the dominant indoor source of respirable particulates.

Ventilation control: effect on indoor concentrations of traffic pollutants.

This paper examines three different ventilation strategies aimed at reducing the indoor concentration of traffic pollutants by ventilation control. In the strategies the air change rate is adjusted in response to (a) the outdoor concentration of the pollutant (single-sensor strategy), (b) the outdoor and indoor concentration (double-sensor strategy) and (c) the time of the day (peak-period strategy). A double sensor was found to be twice as effective as the single sensor, reducing the mean indoor concentration of carbon monoxide by 34% over a 48-hour period.

Detailed monitoring of the Canning Crescent Centre, London.

The Canning Crescent Centre was monitored as part of the European NatVent™ project to provide a case study of the performance of a naturally ventilated building located in an urban area. It was chosen for investigation because it incorporates a specially designed natural ventilation strategy as a result of its location on a polluted high street in London where external air and noise pollution levels are perceived to be high.

Putting the byte into your analysis toolkit.

When it comes to energy efficiency analysis, you have specific needs. Chances are, there's a software package out there that fits your needs. But if you're new to the world of energy software, it's hard to know where to start.

Building ventilation and indoor air quality: the impact of urban air pollution - a review.

This review examines the available information relating to the ingress of external pollutants into naturally ventilated buildings. It is part of a project whose longer term aim is to provide guidance on ventilation strategies for naturally ventilated buildings in polluted urban areas. The purpose of the review is to guide this project.

NatVent (TM) - a better way to work.

NatVent™ is a European JOULE project that has studied ways of 'Overcoming technical barriers to low energy natural ventilation in office-type buildings in moderate and cold climates'. A consortium of nine partners across seven countries - Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland - carried out this project. It set out to:

Energy management in a mining company.

An innovative energy management program has been successfully implemented at Mount Isa Mines, Mount Isa. Situated in Australia's north-western Queensland, remote from any electrical grids, Mount Isa Mines, owned by M.l.M. Holding Ltd, relies on electricity generated through its own two power stations. In 1988- 1990 the company was faced with a pressing requirement to reduce both operating costs and carbon dioxide emissions.

Life cycle energy savings in office building.

The Tokyo Gas Kohoku NT Building, completed in March 1996, was built with the objective of achieving overall savings of energy and natural resources throughout the entire life cycle of the building, from construction to demolition. The building is expected to reduce primary energy consumption by 35% and lifecycle co2 emissions by 25%. This was combined with the positive use of natural energy sources and the introduction of a cogeneration system with an absorption chillerheater using waste heat as input for its generators.
