Natural ventilation: impact of wall material and windows on thermal comfort.

Thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated test room is investigated. The test room is a lightweight portable cabin located in a sheltered area at Loughborough University, UK. Thermal comfort simulations were carried out for various sizes of openings and glazing. Medium and high thermal mass were added to the test room and their effects on thermal comfort were investigated. The results suggested that thermal mass has significant effect on thermal comfort parameters. Adding a 200 mm thick layer of medium-density concrete to the walls improved the thermal comfort over the summer by 40%.

Green by design.


Principles of FES and advanced FES.


Guidelines for the most effective application of advanced fabric energy storage.

Advanced Fabric Energy Storage allows buildings to maintain a comfortable internal environment whilst incurring a significantly reduced energy consumption and financial cost This paper provides a concise reference of the key design features of advanced Fabric Energy Storage, sharing experience gained from several years of involvement with the first UK projects.

Simplified analysis of combined heat, moisture and air transport for one-dimensional cases.

This report presents a simplified computational model for combined air-, moisture and heat transport for one-dimensional cases. The model is based on finite difference technique with explicit forward differences in time. Analytical solutions for the coupling, the conductances, between the computational cells for a given air flow through the construction are used. Moisture is transferred by vapour diffusion and vapour convection. No liquid water transport occurs.

Assessment of the radiative cooling potential of a collector using hourly weather data.

The radiative cooling potential is determined by the ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and cloudiness. Previous assessments of the radiative cooling potential in Greece have been based on mean weather data. In chis paper, 12 years of hourly weather data are used to assess the radiative cooling potential in Athens. The performance results for a simple radiator are also presented. The radiative cooling potential for Athens is promising and simple radiators can be used to estimate the cooling potential.            

History and current perspectives on Termodeck.

