Tools for evaluating domestic ventilation systems (IEA Annex 27).

This paper is describing the preliminary results of the Annex 27 work aiming at developing simplified tools for evaluating domestic ventilation systems. In this paper is given the tool to evaluate a system's ability to deal with different indoor air quality (IAQ) matters. In the work is used sophisticated simulation programs studying pollutant concentration either for each person or in an individual room. The evaluation is to be applied on houses that mainly are heated. This means that the tools are restricted to the heating season.

A methodology for the practical assessment of natural ventilation designs in industrial buildings with reference to the indoor thermal comfort.

The design of natural ventilation devices in industrial buildings is complicated by the nonlinear interaction between the air flow rate and the indoor air temperature. Designs are therefore usually based on relatively simple calculations of the areas of ventilation openings to provide a specified flow rate at a given indoor/outdoor air temperature difference. However, the practical performance testing required for acceptance of the ventilator design still remains a difficult and dubious task.

Insufficiency of natural ventilation against NOx concentrations caused by domestic gas cookers.

Spanish regulations, like those of other countries, lay down various criteria for the permanent ventilation opening which must exist in premises containing gaspowered domestic food cookers. There is growing concern as to the effects of NOx on the health of weaker people such as children old people and those suffering from respiratory ailments, who spend most time at home.

Experimental study on airflow in underground space of Metro system with a constant tracer gas injection technique.

A concept of mixing ratio of piston air is developed to evaluate the portion of the injecting air from tunnel mixed with the air in platform space of metro system. And a 3- dimensional turbulent model is used to simulate the airflow in metro platform resulted by the ventilation system and moving trains. Field measurement has been conducted to verify the 3-dimensional model. This experiment is performed during the normal operation time of a metro station with constant tracer-gas injection method. The results agree well with the numerical solution.

Results from field testing of a presence controlled ventilation system in an occupied office building.

The use of IR detectors to steer the ventilation is in principle an attractive approach for optimising the ventilation according to the occupants needs. In order to evaluate the performances under real conditions, one of the BBRI office buildings in Limelette (some 31 offices with in total 51 persons and a variable occupation load) was equipped with a mechanical supply ventilation system in which each terminal is controlled by an IR detector.

Experimental and analytical evaluation of VAV air conditioning system in an office building.

The flow-pressure characteristics of the AHU/VAV air-conditioning system in an open-plan office building is assessed by site experiments under various conditions. The effects of VAV supply pressure setting, return fan pressure setting and damper operation on energy consumption, fresh air intake and ex-infiltration flow rate are evaluated analytically on the basis of the VA V/ A.HU system and component characteristics.
