Situations to consider when variable air volume is an option.

Variable-air-volume systems utilize some of the latest technology available to control zone temperatures and save fan energy. In fact, the energy savings can be quite substantial. Then why do engineers and building managers have reservations about using this type of system? Probably the memory of past experiences. The chain of design, equipment selection, installation, and air balancing must be tailored to a building’s needs or conflicts will arise. There are many disciplines to consider when creating a VAV system, and if one link is weak, there can be trouble.

John Cabot City Technology College.


An approach to integrating passive cooling devices in buildings.

This paper surveys the state of integration of passive cooling devices in buildings. This survey illustrates the fact that there are no general prescriptions for the integration in the design of passive cooling devices. Further the present paper does not intend to propose general prescriptions for the integration of cooling devices in design but only to illustrate a number of existing problems.

Auxiliary environmental control in passively cooled buildings.

The need for auxiliary heating and cooling systems in European buildings is established on the basis of building physics and climatic conditions, emphasizing that cooling systems may not be needed in most regions if there are no large internal gains and the building envelope is well designed, through the use of bioclimatic design principles. Occupant attitudes and the consequences upon indoor environmental quality are also compared for the cases of actively and naturally controlled buildings.
