Datalogging - taking the guesswork out of building diagnostics.

Periodic or spot check measurements of indoor air quality (IAQ) parameters leave blanks in a building data profile upon which misleading or incomplete conclusions may be made. It is difficult and unwise to make decisions regarding IAQ diagnostics and corrective actions with limited data. Datalogging fills in the blanks left by periodic measurements to complete the profile thus making it a powerful tool for good building diagnostics.

When wall insulation doesn't save.


Retrofitting halves school's heating bill.

The Jandel school in southern Sweden was thoroughly retrofitted in 1994-95. Both lighting and ventilation systems have been designed for high energy efficiency. New windows with excellent insulating performance have been installed. A before and after comparison shows that the energy required for heating has been reduced from about 210 k Wh/m2 to about 94 k Whlm2 a year, i.e. a reduction of about 55%. Electricity for building services systems has decreased by about 20%, despite the fact that considerably more computers are used in the school today than prior to rebuilding.

Winter ventilation monitoring at the Portland Building.

The BRE has carried out monitoring tests to measure the winter ventilation performance of the Portland Building, the recentlycompleted low energy building at the University of Portsmouth

The solution to lift shaft air leakage.


New directions for C-2000.

