Performance of series connected heat exchangers with liquid circuit on loop.

The series connected heat exchangers - configured either as an arrangement of gas-gas,gas-liquid or liquid-liquid heat exchangers- are widely used in the process industry andair-conditioning where they can be found in a variety of heat (cool) recovery, in heating andcooling applications.

Impacts of air distribution system leakage in Europe: the SAVE duct European programme.

This paper gives an overview of duct leakage issues in Europe. A literature review indicates alack of ductwork air tightness measurement data in the member states. However, based on afew papers and above all on a field study on 22 duct systems in France, we conclude that theventilation and energy use implications of leaky ducts are large and merit furtherexamination. To this end, we have started the SAVE-DUCT project (1997-1998) aiming atstudying the potential implications of a tight air duct policy at the European level.

Experimental approach of air flow through a door connecting rooms with different temperature.

Air flow through doors, windows and other large openings constitutes a major factor inbuilding ventilation. However, due to the complexity of the physical processes involved,relevant physical phenomena are not yet fully understood.The paper presents data obtained from five consecutive experiments concerning air flowthrough a large opening (door) connecting two rooms (volumes 28.3 m and 38.1 mrespectively) with different air temperatures.

Checking of simulation models in a ventilation test room.

Checking models of thermal behaviour or ventilation of a room can be performed in specialtest cells. At EMPA a ventilation test chamber with several experimental facilities has beendesigned and built. The inside wall surface temperatures of the chamber can be controlledusing a software model which simulates the thermal behaviour of a real wall. As a test case aheated office room was calculated with TRNSYS and compared with measurements made inthe chamber.As an example of checking ventilation models the validation of a CFD-model of ahorizontally pivoted window is presented.

Barriers to natural ventilation design of office buildings.

Perceived barriers restricting the implementation of natural or simple fan assisted ventilationsystems in the design of new office type buildings and in the refurbishment of existing suchbuildings have been identified in seven central and north European countries with moderate orcold climate: United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden andDenmark.The barriers were identified in an in-depth study with structured interviews based onquestionnaires among leading designers and decision makers: architects, consultant engineers,contractors, developers, owners and governme

A modification of the power-law equation to account for large scale wind turbulence.

Existing infiltration and exfiltration calculation methods are mainly based on the stationaryapproach, where long term mean values are used for wind input data. The real wind speed is,however, varying continuously with time. Because the process of the crack flow is non-linear,using mean wind speed values will give erroneous results for the air flows.

Study of the ventilation on an ancient building located in the centre of Rome and now used as a university office.

An investigation of some Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameters in a significant office of the State in the area of Rome was undertaken. The aim, in future, will be to cover a wide range of situations in various buildings and organisations, to achieve data to improve the working conditions, to have a more healthy working environment, to optimize energy consumption and energy management.

Adaptation of a fan coil unit to operating conditions for optimum thermal comfort.

The work discussed here concerns the conditions of comfort obtained in a room cooled by a fan coil in relation to the form of air flow obtained. It is based both on practical experiment and on numerical simulation using CFD code. Combining these methods allowed a large number of configurations to be studied, in association with different operating conditions for the appliance. Using the results in combination enabled a relation to be established between the problem data, the device characteristics and the comfort conditions obtained.
