Checking models of thermal behaviour or ventilation of a room can be performed in specialtest cells. At EMPA a ventilation test chamber with several experimental facilities has beendesigned and built. The inside wall surface temperatures of the chamber can be controlledusing a software model which simulates the thermal behaviour of a real wall. As a test case aheated office room was calculated with TRNSYS and compared with measurements made inthe chamber.As an example of checking ventilation models the validation of a CFD-model of ahorizontally pivoted window is presented. A parameter analysis was made with this modeland the result were compared with the results of a simplified model which is included in themultizone airflow calculation programm COMIS. This simplified model is based on theBernoulli equation and therefore it needs a discharge coefficient Cd. AS a result of theparameter analysis a linear function for the Cd value was found.
Checking of simulation models in a ventilation test room.

Bibliographic info:
18th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and Cooling", Athens, Greece, 23-24 September 1997