Smoking could be good for you.


Indoor air quality.


Totally metabolic?

In principle, the results of carbon dioxide monitoring can be used to evaluate building ventilation rates and provide an indication of perceived indoor air quality. Here we review current knowledge about the use of metabolically-produced co2 in indoor air quality evaluation and control.

Minimise to maximise.

Air quality in urban areas is often poor, creating problems for local buildings forced to ventilate with polluted air. Most of the pollution comes from traffic, with the worst periods during rush hours. What role can the automatic control of ventilation play in reducing the impact of pollutants?        

The dusty path to sick buildings.

There is growing evidence that indoor surface pollution is one of the causes of sick building syndrome and that ventilation and air conditioning can exacerbate the problem. Gary Raw of the BRE explains

Particle physics.

Are air conditioned buildings better at filtering out external pollutants than their naturally ventilated cousins? A recent field study carried out by researchers at the BRE has yielded some surprising results.
