Performance of naturally ventilated buildings.


Straw bale moisture sensor study.


Sowing conservation in garden apartments.


Energy efficiency of buildings: simple appraisal method.

A new method is proposed to appraise the relative energy efficiency of designs for new or refurbished buildings. Based on the development of an energy efficiency index, it is simple to use and understand, and requires no particular expertise. The method offers a straightforward determination of likely energy performance. It addresses the total power rating of plant installed to achieve specified indoor environmental conditions, and the monitoring and control equipment which manages that capacity.

Chicago apartments get new lease of life.


Effects of glass plate curvature on the U-factor of sealed insulated glazing units.

This paper presents the results of a study aimed at quantifying the change in the U-factor caused by glass plate curvature in sealed, insulated glazing (JG) units. The curvature may be caused by a number of factors, two of which will be studied in this paper-barometric pressure and gas space temperature variations. In the first part of this paper, the equations governing glass plate deflections and heat transfer through JG units are briefly reviewed Then, glass plate deflections and the resulting change in the U-factor of several JG units are examined for ASHRAE-type winter conditions.
