CONTAM93: a multizone airflow and contaminant dispersal model with a graphic user interface.

A new multizone airflow and contaminant dispersal program CONTAM93 is described. While this program is based on existing theory of network airflow analysis and contaminant dispersal, it employs a unique graphic interface for data input and display. The interface uses a sketchpad to describe the connections between zones and icons to represent zones, openings, ventilation system components, and contaminant sources and sinks. The program, its graphic interface and plans for its further development are described.

Roomvent 94 Air distribution in rooms: report.

Summary report and evaluation of the Roomvent 94 conference in air distribution in rooms. The roomvent conferences are dedicated to problems if aero- and thermo-dynamics of ventilated rooms.

Natural ventilation with heat recovery.

This paper presents a research project, of which the primary goal was to investigate the possibilities of designing a natural ventilation system with heat recovery solely driven by the indoor-outdoor temperature difference. The theory used for design of a prototype system and the prototype itself is describes as well as the measured performance. The project has shown that it is possible to design a natural ventilation system solely driven by the difference between the temperature indoors and outdoors with a heat recovery efficiency of 40-45%.

Annex 26: Energy efficient ventilation of large enclosures. What designers really want to know about ventilation of large enclosures.

The specialists of IEA BCS Annex 26 have a clear picture of designer needs. The project objectives have not changes, but emphasis will now be place on the most relevant problems related to air motion, temperature distribution, and energy use. The development of viable solutions by expert teams from twelve countries is primarily based on investigations in existing case-study buildings. Researchers have started to demonstrate advanced experimental and numerical methods at these large enclosures ranging from atria to industrial halls.

Aerosols indoors: deposition on indoor surfaces.

Interest in aerosols in the indoor environment has increased as a result of interest in fine particles in the urban environment and their health effects, and how indoor air concentrations and settles dust levels depend on the main variables, su

An overview of the AIVC Numerical Data Base.

The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre s Numerical Database has been developed in response to a need to establish a core of numerical data suitable for design purposes and model validation. It has also been developed to provide a focus for

Decision-making on domestic ventilation systems: the results of a Dutch marketing research project.

In the Netherlands, many attempts have been made to introduce and implement advanced energy efficient domestic ventilation systems. This especially applies to balanced ventilation with heat recovery, one or multizone air heating systems with he

Sick building syndrome - dangerous game with spread characters.

Outlines the history and possible causes of sick building syndrome, together with the problems of various ventilation systems.

A storm building up - low energy housing in the Orkney Islands.

Describes the Orkney Housing Association (OHA) Low Energy Housing Pilot Project, which demonstrates that it is possible to construct airtight buildings in the UK with minimal additional expenditure. This involved careful planning, the incorpora
