Software for building services.

Finding the appropriate software may prove a difficult and time consuming exercise. There are few opportunities to see what's on offer in the growing market of building services software packages. Expenditure on IT has remained strong despite the harsh economic climate of recent years and there has been a growing expectation that software packages should be independently quality assured.

Chilled ceilings: the market potential.


Hydronic radiant cooling - preliminary assessment.

A significant amount of the electrical energy used to cool non-residential buildings equipped with all-air systems is drawn by the fans that transport the cool air through the thermal distribution system. Hydronic systems reduce the amount of air transported through the building by separating the tasks of ventilation and thermal conditioning. Due to the physical properties of water, hydronic systems can transport a given amount of thermal energy and use less than 5% of the otherwise necessary fan energy.

Mitigation of urban heat islands: materials, utility programs, updates.

Elevated temperatures in urban 'heat islands' increase cooling energy use and accelerate the formation of urban smog. Urban shade _trees and light-colored surfaces can offset or reverse the heat island and conceive energy. Implementation of heat island mitigation measures is now a prominent part of President Clinton's Climate Change Action Plan to control the emissions of greenhouse gases, necessitating a better understanding of the quantitative benefits of these control measures.

The effect of ventilation and pressure differences on concentrations of radon at workplaces.

The workplaces located in southern (18 places) and central Finland. The total amount of workrooms measured was 87. The mean concentration of radon was 254 Bq/m3 (range from 12 to 1647 Bq/m3) during working hours. The calculated radon entry rates varied from 2 to 4780 kBq/h. The measured air exchange rates varied from 0.1 to 13.3 l/h and calculated ventilation flow rates varied from 30 to 55200 m3/h. Radon concentration was found to depend on the type of foundation, whereas types of ventilation or the ventilation flow rates did not correlate significantly with the concentrations of radon.

A low cost technique for the measurement of high ventilation rates.

A recent investigation into the thermal environment of tropical housing required a low cost method for the measurement of high ventilation rates. As a result a simple measurement system, using the detection of the decay of smoke density, was developed. The sensor, based on an infrared LED emitter and a silicon diode receiver, was easily portable, highly robust and could be constructed for less than 50. It was found to be suitable for the measurement of decay rates in excess of 20 air changes per hour.

The Southampton survey on asthma and ventilation: humidity measurements during winter.

As part of a collaborative trial on the effects of ventilation on house dust mites and asthma, 20 mechanical ventilation units were installed in houses in the Southampton area in southern England. The hypothesis is that continuous ventilation over winter months can maintain humidity below a mixing ratio of 7 g/kg, with a consequent reduction in house dust mite numbers. The systems served upstairs only, extracting from bathroom and landing and supplying fresh air to bedrooms.
