Next generation technologies for efficient energy end uses and final switching - international conference sessions

The papers for this conference are divided into sessions as follows: residential, transportation, cross-cutting technologies.

Energy efficient building technologies: an overview of the trends and opportunities

The next generation of end-use technologies must respond to growing demands for better indoor air quality, comfort, workmanship and durability. Priority technologies include advanced building energy management control systems, high efficiency.

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Next generation technologies for efficient energy end uses and fuel switching - International conference, sessions 5-8

The papers are divided into sessions under the following headings: technical barriers and market employment, energy efficiency and the environment, national and regional programmes, international collaboration aspects.

Energy conservation through the application of ice storage and cold air distribution in commercial buildings in the Mediterranean climate

This paper investigates the feasibility of the application of ice storage/cold air distribution based air conditioning systems in commercial buildings in the South-Eastern Mediterranean area. An office building currently under construction in

Wind Tunnel and CFD Investigation of the Performance of a Wind Driven Ventilation System

Experimental investigations and CFD simulations were carried out to evaluate the performance of square and circular section wind - driven systems for natural ventilation application in buildings. Wind tunnel and smoke visualisation tests were conducted on a full-scale model based on a commercial wind catcher design. The experimental set-up consisted of each system being connected to a model test room. The devices were divided internally into four quadrants/segments for the purpose of air supply and extract.
