The work was concerned with measuring natural convection through a large horizontal opening between two rooms in a building. Airflow rates between the two rooms were measured using a tracer-gas decay technique. Room 1 was heated to various temperatures in the range l8°C to 33°C using thermostatically-controlled heaters. Room 2 was unheated. A multi-point sampling unit was used to collect tracer-gas samples from each room. The concentration of SF6 tracer was measured using an infra-red gas analyser.
The effect of airflow through an opening (or a crack) on the natural convection in a stairwell model is presented. The flow is driven by energy input from an electric panel heater located in the lower floor of the stairwell. The work concentrates on the effect of the size of inlet opening by varying it while keeping the area of the outlet constant. New data are presented for the measured temperatures and velocities at various cross-sections of the stairwell.
In modem livestock buildings air distribution and air quality are important parameters to animal welfare and to the health of full-time employees in animal production. Traditional methods for calculating air distribution in farm buildings are mainly based on formulas for air jets which do not include the effect of room geometry, obstacles or heat sources. This paper describes the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict air flow patterns and temperature distribution in a ventilated space.
Direct capture efficiency of a local exhaust system is defined by introducing an imaginary control box surrounding the contaminant source and the exhaust opening. The imaginary box makes it possible to distinguish between contaminants directly captured and those that escape. Two methods for estimation of direct capture efficiency are given: (I) a numerical method based on the time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent flows; and (2) a field method based on a representative background concentration.
This paper presents the results of full-scale experiments in a realistic building to evaluate natural convective heat and mass transfer through doorway-like apertures under small temperature differentials. The zone-to-zone temperature differences were nominally between re and 2.5°C. Heat transfer correlations, coefficient of discharge, and thermal stratification are reported for air (Pr = 0. 71), an enclosure aspect ratio of 0.26, aperture height relative to the enclosure height in the range of 0. 75 to l, and aperture width relative to the enclosure width in the range 0.29 to 0. 79.