Application of a new method for improved multizone model predictions.

Multizone models are a common tool for calculating air and contaminant exchange within rooms of a building and between building and outside. Usually a whole room is then modelled by one calculation node with the assumption of homogeneously mixed conditions within this room. In real cases, however, temperature and contaminant concentrations vary in space. The exchange to the neighbouring nodes via the flow paths is then a function of the local values of these variables.

A four zone ventilation test facility.

This paper describes a laboratory model for the testing and validation of tracer gas measurement techniques. Previous attempts at experimental validation have often been limited to two zones, or a particular measurement strategy, or a particular range of flows. The model consists of four zones, each of 1m³ internal volume. The zones are connected so that all possible inter-zone flow paths exist. The flow down each path is driven by a pump and monitored by a flow meter. A control panel enables any combination of interzone flows to be set, within the capacity of the pumps.

Modeling the thermal and indoor air quality performance of vertical displacement ventilation systems.

To predict the thermal and indoor air quality performance of vertical displacement ventilation systems using two-zone modeling, it is necessary to account for the different nature of the air flow due to thermal and contaminant mixing within these zones. Two zone modeling of vertical displacement ventilation was performed assuming piston flow in the clean zone, uniform mixing in the dirty zone, and no recirculation between the zones except via heat source plumes.

Draught risk from cold vertical surfaces.

