The Influence of Indoor Tobacco Smoking on Energy Demand for Ventilation.

The number of smokers differs mainly with age, sex, education, profession, and cultural background. The change in habits from the 2nd World War till today in form of increasing number of female smokers and decreasing number of male smokers is significant. The smoking of tobacco causes pollutants in the form of volatile organic compounds, particles, and carbon monoxide. Many of the pollutants are carcinogenic. In some cases the concentration of specific tobacco smoke related pollutants in room air may be higher than the maximum allowable concentration.

The energy impact of ventilation on industrial buildings.

A combined thermal and ventilation model has been used to investigate the seasonal variation of air infiltration rates and ventilation heat losses in modern industrial buildings. The model was initially compared to measurements of ventilation rates, temperatures and heating loads in such a building, and was found to agree well. The model was then used to predict infiltration rates, temperatures, ventilation heat losses and space heating loads for a standard heating season for that building.

The energy impact of ventilation and air infiltration in an atrium.

Many modern office and residential buildings in Sweden include an atrium. The atria are often mechanically ventilated and sometimes they are heated. Very little is know about the ventilation and air infiltration in built atria. These issues were examined in an apartment building with a non-heated and mechanically ventilated atrium, built in 1986 in Sweden. The ventilation of the atrium is coupled to the apartments.

The effect of Various Inlet Conditions on the Flow Pattern in Ventilated Rooms - Measurements and Computations.

A test room which was built at a scale 1:5 to the original one has been used to investigate air-conditioned rooms. The original room was specified by the international project IEA ANNEX 20. A lot of experiments were made on different inlet geometries and air change rates. Velocities and turbulent quantities were measured not only in the inlet plan but also in the room itselfby means of hot wire anemometry. The ammonia absorption method according to Kruckels has been applied to determine the heat transfer coefficients at the walls. Qualitative results were obtained by laser light sheets.

Stack Effect Ventilation of an Infant's School.

This paper presents the results of monitoring the ventilation in Netley Infants School in Hampshire. The study was carried out on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry as part of the Energy Performance Assessment Project, as managed by the Energy Technology Support Unit. The school was designed so that during the summer the solar heating of a south facing conservatory would enhance the stack effect and induce ventilation in the adjacent classrooms. It was expected that ventilation rates would be adequate to maintain comfort conditions and air quality.

Some Aspects of Using Jets for Cooling.

The efficiency of removing excess heat by employing mixing ventilation is based on the properties of jets. Therefore the behaviour of jets in enclosures is important. A correct supply design is essential otherwise the jet will separate from theceiling and drop into the occupied zone. This will give rise to unacceptable high velocities. the basic properties of jets in ideal situations like an infinite space are well known. However, in a room the jet interacts with the room air and the room surfaces.

Simulation of Displacement Ventilation and Radiative Cooling.

For thermal comfort and energy conservation reasons, displacement ventilation and radiative cooling systems are increasingly used. Simulation programs are generally not able to correctly simulate such systems because of their one node approach for the air temperature. A procedure for creating DOE-2 inputs to simulate both system types each alone or in combination - without program code change - was developed, based on a more detailed new TRNSYS-Type, and validated against existing experimental data sets.

Programme for Energy-Efficient and Healthy Apartment Buildings in Stockholm.

In order to speed up the development of health, energy-efficient buildings, the City of Stockholm has formulated a programme for the building of apartment houses. The programme describes the characteristics the buildings should possess in order to achieve the political objectives of energy efficiency, health safety and reduced impact on the environment. These characteristics are described in the form of general functional requirements which provide a good deal of freedom in the choice of technical solutions,.

Practical Aspects of Energy Rating Within the UK.

The issue of energy consumption assessment is a complex one. Sophisticated simulation software whilst providing detailed predictions of the thermal performance of buildings, cannot be claimed to have an appropriate level of user friendliness for widespread application. On the other hand, simple software packages for the assessment of thermal transmittance cannot adequately deal with such factors as occupancy pattern and weather variations. In an attempt to fill the middle ground, the concept of energy rating has been developed.

Potential energy savings from modified ventilation of dwellings.

A total of 177 measurements have been performed in apartments in multi-story buildings without mechanical ventilation. The buildings comprised renovated and non-renovated buildings built between 1930 and 1960. Measurements of air change rate and relative humidity have been performed using passive measurement techniques including a passive multiple tracer gas technique, the so-called PFT-technique. In each apartment the main bedroom has been investigated separately. In addition, the occupants completed a questionnaire concerning their use of the dwelling.
