A probabilistic model to predict building occupants’ diversity towards their interactions with the building envelope

Based on observations conducted in an office building, we apply advanced statistical analysis methods, leading to the formulation of stochastic models for the prediction of buildings occupants’ actions on window openings and shading devices.  The statistical analysis method – based on generalised linear mixed models – enables a correct treatment of the longitudinal nature of the datasets, an accurate estimation of the calibration parameters’ uncertainty and a detailed study of the differences between the occupants surveyed.

Intensive building energy simulation at early design stage

In order to inform the design of a building or a group of buildings in relation to their potential energy efficiency, the main impact will be at the initial concept design stage. Variations and interactions of parameters need to be considered quickly as the design develops. In addition to the variation and interrelation of parameters associated with individual buildings, the design should consider the influence, both from and on, neighbouring buildings and landscape features.

Energy simulation of a research campus with typical building setups

The availability of input data and appropriate computing times are two major challenges when simulating entire city districts. For dynamic heat demand simulations, we contribute to these tasks by developing an integral tool chain. To reduce the amount of input data, we automatically create typical datasets of building setups for office buildings according to their year of construction and basic geometric data. We use these datasets to automatically parameterize a dynamic building model.

Actual and calculated energy performance of residential property in Malta

The scope of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2002/91/EC and 2010/31/EC) is the reduction of energy use in buildings in the EU.   A principal aspect of the directive is the calculation of an energy certificate for new and existing property. This certificate is intended to provide a measure of the energy efficiency of a building.    

Understanding the trade-offs between thermal comfort and energy consumption in air-conditioned office spaces in India

This study aims to establish a correlation between thermal comfort and energy consumption for typical office buildings in India. Building envelope characteristics are varied to represent local energy code compliant case. Regression analysis is used to derive the aforementioned correlation using energy consumption and thermal comfort indices from the simulation output. The results from this study will assist designers to understand the energy implications of improving thermal comfort, both in terms of comfort hours as well as PMV.
