Thermal comfort in highly glazed buildings determined for weather years on account of solar radiation

The presented work is devoted to the analysis of thermal comfort indexes in highly glazed buildings under different weather conditions. All cases considered here differ in thermo-optical properties (such as thermal resistance, transmission), geometry, construction and orientation. Building performance simulation models (thermal and air flow) were defined using simulation software ESP-r. According to the workflow, proposed by authors, the optimal solution for glazing façade system was found for each of four main directions: N, E, S and W.

Leveraging OpenStudio’s application programming interfaces

OpenStudio development efforts have focused on providing application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable users to extend OpenStudio without compiling the open source libraries. This paper discusses the basic purposes and functionalities of the core libraries that have been wrapped with APIs, including the building model, results processing, advanced analysis, uncertainty quantification, and data interoperability through translators.  Several building energy modeling applications have been produced using OpenStudio’s API and software development kits, including the U.S.

Survey on the occupant behavior relating to window and air conditioner operation in the residential buildings

Our research group has been working on modeling of occupant behavior relating to window and air conditioner usage for energy simulation of residential buildings. In order to study the determining factor of occupant behavior in more detail, a survey was carried out in 45 residential houses in the summer of 2012. The state of windows (open-closed) and air conditioners (on-off), as well as environmental data, was recorded automatically. Additionally, the room occupation of all family members was investigated by distributing recording papers.

Natural ventilation in a room, transition from natural to adverse forced convection

This study presents 2D numerical simulations of natural ventilation in a room equipped with two openings, one low and one high. The main features are commented in terms of flow and heat transfer. We first focus on pure natural convection within the framework of the ADNBati benchmark, and validate the numerical model this way. Then we study the transition to adverse forced convection (the flow is eventually reversed) and highlight the main changes due to transition. Lastly, we present a method for coupling CFD simulations with a multizone model. 

A simple predesign tool for solar cooling, heating and domestic hot water production systems

In the framework of the MEGAPICS project “method toward guarantee of solar cooling and heating system”, a simplified pre-design tool for designer and planner has been elaborated.  The method is applied to a selected set of configuration schemes for solar cooling, heating and domestic hot water (DHW) production systems using absorption or adsorption chillers, assisted or not by hot and/or cold conventional back-up systems. The tool provides theoretical but realistic values of system performance indicators. Its main advantages compared to other tools are:

Simulation-based weather normalization approach to study the impact of weather on energy use of buildings in the U.S.

Weather normalization is a crucial step in building energy rating and retrofit measurements. Accounting for the impacts of weather on energy use of commercial buildings is a rigorous challenge because of the complexity and diversity in the operation, the mechanical systems, and the use-types available. This paper documents preliminary results of an effort to determine a set of weather adjustment coefficients that can be used to isolate the impacts of weather on energy use of buildings in 1020 weather location sites available in the U.S. The U.S.

Simulating human behavior: an agent-based modeling approach

  A new methology using agent-based modeling for human behavior simulation is presented. This approach aims to address the limitations and/or challenges of dealing with behavioral components in existing building simulation programs. Also, it tries to improve behavior decision process by mimicking actual occupants in buildings. In a simulation experiment, a window use behavior was tested with agent-based modeling and demonstrated its ability to account for dynamic changes of the behavior, in real-time, and the behavior impact on both the microclimate and energy uses in a space.  
