Development and validation of the California simulation engine

This paper describes the California Simulation Engine (CSE), a public domain, multi-zone, short-time step, detailed annual building simulation application developed to support the 2013 California Title 24 residential energy standards.  CSE implements state-of-the-art algorithms including an MRT-based zone representation, a coupled airflow network, and simple HVAC models.  In addition to summarizing CSE modeling methods, the paper presents a preliminary comparison of simulation results to data measured under the Central Valley Research Home project currently underway in California. 

Energy performance of earth-air heat exchanger: impact of various input parameters on simulation results

Earth-air heat exchangers can be considered as one of the current responses to the problem of rational use of energy and comfort in buildings. The aim of the Effipuits project is to validate the thermal performance of this solution experimentally and numerically for an oceanic climate. The modelling of an earth-air heat exchanger is considered through a critical review of the various tools. Then, the paper discusses the energy performance of an installation. Based on experimental site characteristics, two simulation tools were used, DesignBuilder / EnergyPlus and Pleiades + Comfie®.

LADYBUG: A parametric environmental plugin for grasshopper to help designers create an environmentally-conscious design

As high performance design is becoming more desirable in the field of architecture, the need for supporting architects with environmental analysis tools is also growing. Rhino/Grasshopper is one of the most widely used platforms that are used by designers today. There are already a number of environmental plugins developed for Rhino/Grasshopper. However, Ladybug offers several advantages that are currently not offered by existing Rhino/Grasshopper related environmental design plugins.

Creating simulation and analyzing systems of the amount of solar energy that received at residential buildings (case study: residential complex of Karaj Mehrshahr)

The quality of a residential complex is based on numerous factors such as their access, privacy, legibility, appearance. Arrangement of the building blocks  and their influence on each other are also important parameters for evaluating the large residential design project . On the other hand, an important criterion for sustainable design is to take advantage of sustainable energies.

Global model based anticipative energy management of a complex railway station

This paper deals with the energy man-agement problem of a railway station. This problem comes out from the VEGEP project whose goal is to prove the benefit of an energy manager in railway sta-tions. The project focuses on an existing railway sta-tion with electric appliances and complex HVAC com-posed of micro-cogeneration system, gaz boiler, ther-mal storage tank and heat spreaders. The model has been used to compute best energy management strate-gies that minimizes a compromise between dissatis-faction and costs.

Design of nearly zero energy buildings coupled with an earth to air heat exchanger in Mediterranean climate: Development of an analytic model and validation against a monitored case study

At the Passivhaus of Cherasco, located in Pianura Padana (Italy), an earth to air heat exchanger (EAHE) and natural night ventilation (in summer) are used to deliver comfort conditions with very low energy consumption. One  year and a half of continuous measurements have been carried out in order to evaluate the energy and comfort performances of this building, which combines the Passivhaus concept with local architectural solutions. We present an analysis of the system constituted by building envelope and EAHE.

Usage patterns of scripting interfaces for building performance assessment at early design stage

The paper documents an ongoing study in the use of Building Performance Simulation (BPS) as a source of feedback in the early stages of architectural design. Taking advantage of the specific affordances provided by parametric scripting for design, fine-grained data about design evolution is gathered from a group of ar-chitecture students. Through the use of computational tools for data analysis, the aim is to gain understand-ing into patterns of scripting in conjunction with BPS.

Building classification based on simulated annual results: towards realistic building performance expectations

This study reviews typical assumptions for days of operation, sub-space type receptacle and other unregulated process loads, and occupancy rates to propose a risk evaluation for energy simulation accuracy of office buildings. Office building simulations entail low-, medium-, or high- risk of being inaccurate based on the variation of key energy simulation parameters from typical values used in office buildings. The three parameters and associated risk should indicate a potential difference between projected design and actual energy use for high performance office buildings.
