Checking out building ventilation.


Europeans report materials test results.


Towards a clean bill of health.


Ventilation efficiency assessment in residential buildings.

Ventilation efficiency may be defined as the capability of a given ventilation system to achieve the best balance between indoor air quality and energy conservation requirements:

Report on a Swiss project on the emission characteristics of indoor materials.

Energy saving measures with reduced outdoor air change rates may lead to critical indoor air contaminant concentrations. Emission characteristics of construction materials and products play an important role. Therefore a project has been set up at EMPA to investigate emission characteristics of such materials using test chambers.

Stair pressurization systems for smoke control: design considerations.

Literature on the various types of pressurization systems, stair use during evacuation, and code requirements was reviewed and summarized. Non-fire and fire tests were conducted in the 10-story experimental fire tower of the National Fire Laboratory of the National Research Council of Canada. The flow resistances of an open stair door at various angles were measured. Under fire conditions, the vertical profiles of pressure differences across the stairshaft wall and those of the velocity pressure at the stair door opening were measured.

The main trends in energy saving in buildings - theory and practice in the USSR.

The paper reviews some problems of theory and practice of energy conservation in buildings. The necessity for a policy of energy
