Component leakage testing in residential buildings.

Describes measurements of the leakage area of fireplaces,bathroom and kitchen exhaust vents, electrical outlets and leakage in the ducts of forced air distribution systems. Makes component leakage measurements in a total of 34houses in Atlanta, Georgia, Reno Nevada and the San Francisco Bay area. Finds damperless fireplaces and ductwork to be the most significant sources of leakage in the western houses.

Infiltration and leakage measurements in new houses incorporating energy efficient features.

Measures houses with energy efficient designs in Eugene, Oregon and Rochester (NY) for effective leakage area using blower door fan pressurization. Determines air change rates by tracer gas decay analysis. Makes fan pressurization measurements on 13 new houses in the San Francisco Bay area that have been partially sealed with polymeric foam sealant. Measures a similar group of 13 unsealed houses as a control. Uses the results of thesemeasurements in conjunction with an infiltration model developed at LBL to predict average annual and heating season infiltration rates.

Tracer techniques and data interpretation for infiltration measurements.

Describes a simple, inexpensive sampling technique for infiltration measurement using SF6 tracer gas. Uses pre-evacuated blood collecting test tubes with rubber stoppers for sampling. This is controlled by a micro-processor driven automatic sampler, which drives a hypodermic needle through the rubber stopper to fill the tube with an air sample. Analyzes samples using a gas chromatograph. Releases SF6 at ground level in a high-rise cold store and collects samples of air at different heights to see if stratification is present.

Infiltration of air into cold stores.

Measures air exchange across open cold store doors using an anemometer and by tracer decay methods. Anemometer results show that an empirical factor of 0.68 should be applied to the predictive equation by Tamm. Observes a further reduction in air change rate (about 47% reduction) due to imperfect mixing of the air. Air curtains reduce infiltration by about 75-80% and plastic curtains by approx. 93%. Forklift traffic and internal circulation fans also affect air change rate.

The Air Infiltration Centre's program of model validation.

Describes a programme undertaken by the AIC to validate mathematical models of air infiltration. Uses experimental data to assess the reliability and full range of applicability of air infiltration models, and to identify key parameters that

Results of recent weatherization retrofit projects.

Descibes tests conducted by the Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to evaluate cost effectiveness of certain retrofits. 20 houses in Walnut Creek CA underwent an air infiltration reduction program, simi

Methods for estimating potential energy saving at a national level based on calculations for existing buildings.

Discusses the second natural energy conservation program in Sweden implemented in 1980. This sets out to estimate the national energy saving potential, with special reference to existing housing. A refined method for calculation of energy sa

Results of the Bonneville Power Administration weatherization and tightening projects at the Midway Substation residential community.

Describes a project carried out by the Bonneville Power Administration where 18 houses at its Midway substation in central Washington were retrofitted and the results monitored for a 3 year period. The houses were divided into 3 groups. During
