Air infiltration in the U.K. and its impact on the thermal environment.

Describes briefly mechanisms and sources by which air infiltration occurs in dwellings. Compares leakage rates through windows and through houses with european standards to illustrate values that can occur in the U.K. Discusses importance of infiltration to both natural and mechanical ventilation and gives examples of the ways in which infiltration can adversely affect the thermal environment in well insulated dwelling. Concludes that more attention should be paid to infiltration through adventitious openings including improving building construction to minimise infiltration.

Wind tunnel and on-site pressure distribution measurements on a house and its effects on infiltration

Summarizes measurements made on a flat. These include inside to outside temperature and pressure differences, infiltration rates using helium as a tracer gas, duration of opening windows and doors and weather conditions. Also describes wind tunnel measurements made on a model of the building with and without obstacles and terrain roughness.

Comparison of internal and outside pressure distributions measured at a model and at the actual slotervaart hospital in amsterdam.

Reports measurements of air pressure differences to determine influence of wind on air flow directions through door and window gaps. Studies measures to prevent air transport between the 4 wings of the cross-shaped hospital and to ensure air flows from the corridors to the rooms on both sides. Pressure differences measured between facades agreed well with wind-tunnel results. Air flow directions measured agreed with results from an electrical analogue ventilation model.

Condensation between the panes of a double window

Discusses causes of condensation between the panes of a double window. Treats movement of water vapour by diffusion and by air leakage separately. Describes tests made to determine air flow and vapour diffusion through test windows finds that relative importance of the mechanisms depends largely on the inside to outside pressure difference so that the higher the pressure difference, the greater the importance of air leakage. Suggests venting of windows to overcome condensation.

Recent research on wind forces on tall buildings

Reviews wind research prior to 1958, which was based on the simple concept of a smooth air flow resulting in static design loads for most structures. States that research for the past ten years has benefited from three innovations. These are theimplementation of a statistical theory of turbulence, experimentation with turbulent boundary layers and the collection of full-scale measurements to identify and evaluate the real wind structure.

Infrared thermography and thermal insulation in buildings.

Gives a summary of the work in building thermography in the scandinavian countries, especially Sweden. Deals with the principles of thermography, how to detect thermal resistance deficiencies and air leakage. Discusses applications in building and factors influencing the thermograms. Reviews test requirements in Scandinavia and discusses the results of measurements made on about 500 building projects.

Building pressures caused by chimney action and mechanical ventilation

Gives the results of an analytical study of the distribution of pressure differences caused by chimney action in buildings. Gives results of the way in which the pressure differences are affected by various arrangements of excess supply and exhaust air. Suggest ways of controlling stack effect, by pressurization.

Pressure difference caused by chimney effect in three high buildings.

Describes three test high-rise buildings and the pressure measurements made on buildings. Gives results of internal to external pressure differences against height within building both with and without the ventilation systems in operation, compared with theoretical predictions. Discusses pattern of pressure differences. Suggests feasibility of pressurizing ground floor to reduce stack effect. NOTE Futher measurements of wind on two of these three buildings are given in 'Pressure differences caused by wind on two tall buildings' Tamura G.T. Wilson. A.G. ASHRAE trans. 74 no 2 p170-181.

Air leakage through various forms of building construction

Reports tests made to determine the air leakage characteristics of various types of walls. Describes apparatus and method and gives results of tests on brick, wood frame, stucco and brick and tile walls, with and without plaster, paint and caulking. Finds that air leakage characteristics alter with the age of the wall, that paint alone did not greatly reduce the leakage of the brick wall, but that plaster was very effective. Also gives data for leakage between plaster or stucco and wood frame.

Air infiltration through double-hung wood windows.

Describes apparatus and method of testing wood windows. Each window was tested four times, twice closed but not locked, locked and locked with the sash perimeter sealed. Tests were repeated six months later and again after weatherstripping. gives test results and discusses them. Also reports tests on the air leakage of window frames.
