Thermal simulation and cooling energy sensitivity analysis of a typical shophouse in Jakarta, Indonesia

In this paper, the results of simulating the cooling energy demand of a reference shophouse in Jakarta, Indonesia are presented. The building reference is a two-storey shophouse, of which ground floor is used as a shop and upper floor as a dwelling. The simulation and visualization tool used was DesignBuilder v.1.8 (, 2008), an Energy Plus based dynamic thermal simulation engine. First of all, a reference building was simulated, in order to obtain its cooling energy demand.

Thermal performance of office buildings in Ghana

Using a simulation application and a sample of five existing office buildings, we parametrically explored building features and measures that could improve the thermal performance of office buildings in Kumasi, Ghana. To improve the reliability of the simulation results, the simulation models were calibrated using long-term continuous measurements on environmental conditions (air temperature, relative humidity) inside and in the immediate vicinity of the selected objects. The simulation results demonstrate that changes in the building fabric (e.g.

Design and future of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway

Design of different energy-efficient office buildings in Norway with different energy concepts were studied with a number of different shapes. With the help of dynamic computer simulations of energy and indoor environment for the various building concepts the impact the different parameters on energy use and indoor environment was analyzed.

CFD applications for the preservation of the tombs of the valley of kings, Luxor

The tombs of the Pharonic kings in "valley of the kings", Thebes, Egypt are famous for their unique wall paintings and structure. KV62, King Tutankhamen tomb, is the most famous because of the treasures it held intact for over three thousand years. The tombs of Kings Ramses VII, known as KV1, Ramses IV, (KV2) and Siti II (KV15) were also investigated in the present work. The present work pursues a research plan to design and utilize a CFD model to numerically model the flow pattern, heat transfer and humidity in the tombs.

Simulation of energy-efficient office buildings in Norway

Design of different energy-efficient office buildings in Norway with different energy concepts were studied with a number of different simulation tools. With the help of dynamic computer simulations of energy and indoor environment the impact on energy use and indoor environment was analyzed. A focus was put on a comparison of different simulation tools and their accuracy in predicting the performance in terms of thermal comfort and energy consumption of various cases.  The results show that significant differences in output of the various tools make an objective evaluation difficult.

Finite element modelling of coupled heat and moisture transfer in typical earth-sheltered building envelope

It is necessary to do research on the heat and moisture transfer in the earth-sheltered building for getting a better underground environment. Based on Philips and De Vries’ and Zhang’s theory (Philip et al., 1957; Zhang et al., 2006), this paper establishes a detailed 2-D transient mathematical model to understand the heat and moisture transfer exactly in the earth-sheltered building envelope and the surrounding soils. A general FEM (Finite Element Method) software is adopted to solve the highly nonlinear governing equations.

Analysis of life cycle energy consumption and environmental load of insulation design for residential buildings in China

Increasing insulation thickness may reduce the energy consumption and environmental load in building operation phase, but may also increase those in insulation production phase. Therefore, the life cycle energy consumption and environmental load of insulation design for a typical residential building were analyzed in this paper. Cases in four typical cities -Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou- in four different climate zones in China were compared.

Support system for improvement and prediction of the energy performance of an apartment envelope in schematic design

Establishing the appropriate measure for estimating and improving the energy performance of a new building is very important at Schematic Design. As an initial attempt toward this end, this research sought to determine at Schematic Design if the designed apartment envelop structure ensured proper energy conservation performance and to develop a support system that could suggest for the envelop structure an improvement measure meeting the targeted energy conservation performance depending on whether or not the calculated value was satisfactory.

Study on optimal energy system design for apartment house using genetic algorithms

The purpose of this study is to propose an optimal design method for the energy system in apartment house using a genetic algorithm and to examine the possibility for the energy conservation of a designed energy system. The energy demand for cooling and heating in apartment house is determined by using TRNSYS. By a modified genetic algorithm called multi-island genetic algorithm, the optimal running pattern of building equipment systems is decided to minimize the energy consumption.

The effect of PCM interior finishing material with moisture sorption and desorption characteristics on hygrothermal control of rooms

In this paper, the hygrothermal controll material, the interior finishing material with moisture sorption and desorption characteristics containing PCM (Phase Change Material utilizing latent heat), is developed to provide the function of constant temperature and humidity in buildings. The model experiments and the numerical simulation have examined the influence of the hygrothermal controll materials on the indoor environment.
