Investigating CO2 emission reductions in existing urban housing using a community domestic energy model

This paper presents the development of an energy and carbon model of existing dwellings and its application to urban housing. The model is used to predict the energy use and CO2 emissions of the housing stock of the city of Leicester, UK, and to estimate the effect of energy efficiency interventions. It is shown that a high level of energy efficiency interventions has the potential to reduce overall CO2 emissions by around 41%. The model methodology is discussed and potential improvements are explored.  

The dynamic model of the influence of energy price changes on energy saving investments in buildings

The paper describes the simulation model for the prediction of the dynamic behavior of the complex system. The system includes as the main element the energy saving projects together with the elements from the environment. The solution is based on the application of system dynamics that is useful method for the simulations in the field of socioeconomic systems. The relevant elements are oil price changes, energy distributor goals and a state policy in the field of the energy savings.

Efficiency of solar radiation on heating energy conservation of residential buildings

In this paper, energy saving potential utilizing the heating effect of solar radiation is analyzed by simulation. The dynamic simulation software “THERB1)” is used, and the effect of solar radiation on energy saving is explained for several simulation conditions. In addition, the heating load of energy-efficient housing is compared with that of standard housing. 

Preliminary application of a methodology for risk assessment of thermal failures in buildings subject to climate change

Climate change is now recognized as a prime challenge of the 21st century. It is increasingly clear that there is a need to take action in order to adapt specific buildings to changing circumstances, in a cost-effective way. This paper presents the results of the first step of an EPSRC-funded research project that aims to manage the thermal risks in buildings subject to climate change, employing building simulation (coupled with uncertainty analysis) to quantify these risks, their consequences, and risk abatement options. 

Adoption of dynamic simulation for an energy performance rating tool for Korean residential buildings: EDEM-Samsung

Currently, there is a high emphasis on reducing the energy consumption and carbon emissions of buildings worldwide. Korea is facing an emerging issue of energy savings in buildings in perspective of new green economic policy. In this context, various policy measures including the energy efficiency ratings for buildings are being implemented for domestic and non-domestic buildings.

The energy performance building and EPBD: a round robin test

Following the introduction of the Energy Performance of Building Directive 2002/91/Ce (EPBD) the energy performance evaluation of buildings takes on a significant role in respect to legal requirements and to the Energy Performance Certification market. The Directive 2006/32/Ce on Energy End Use Efficiency and Energy Services (EEESD) introduces some news related to EPBD, for example: Esco, Energy management, and Energy Audits.

Testing and validation of simulation tools of HVAC mechanical equipment including their control strategies. Part I: description of the validation test cases

This paper presents the work carried out under Subtask D of the International Energy Agency SHC Task 34/ECBCS Annex 43 (Testing and Validation of Building Energy Simulation Tools). The goal of this Subtask (Mechanical Equipment and Control Strategies) was to develop methods to help evaluating, diagnosing and correcting HVAC mechanical equipment simulation software. 

Case study of energy diagnosis simulation of VAV AHU system controls

Advanced control and operation of HVAC systems in buildings is one of the most promising energy efficient technologies. However, there is still significant energy saving potential in these systems. Energy savings can come from correcting deficiencies through building commissioning. This paper focuses on deficiencies in the controls of a variable air volume (VAV) air handling unit (AHU) system. This paper demonstrates how DeST, a building simulation tool, is used to detect faults and to optimize set points in VAV AHU system controls.

Calibration of an EnergyPlus simulation model by the STEMPSTAR method

The PSTAR (Primary and Secondary Terms Analysis and Renormalization) method was developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to determine the key thermal parameters of a building from short-term outdoor test results. This paper shows an application of the PSTAR method as a quantitative guidance to calibrate a detailed thermal model of a dwelling. An existing dwelling sited in southern Spain is used as a case study.

Commissioning of a Coupled Earth Tube and Natural Ventilation System at the Post-Acceptance Step

In this paper, the environment and energy performance of an actual coupled earth tube and natural ventilation system in a gymnasium was measured during the post-acceptance step in two operation states: no ventilation and natural ventilation. From the measurement result, the authors conducted the commissioning for this system. By the use of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) coupled analysis with natural ventilation method, the natural ventilation air volume and the indoor temperature in summer and autumn while windless have been calculated.
