HNBK: Air Infiltration Control in Housing: Handbook

This internationally applicable guide to airtightness design solutions is of great practical value to anyone wishing to design dwellings with low pollution and energy demands. By providing details of good construction practice for a range of countries and climates, the AIVC's original handbook is still relevant today.

LL 32: Hospitals

A literature list on hospitals

LL 31: Air cleaning

A Literature list on air cleaning

LL 30: Use of vegetation to clean indoor air

Use of vegetation to clean indoor air
#NO 3339 Comparative measurements of indoor climate.
Vergleichsmeisingen des Inneklimas.
BIBINF HLH, Vol 40, No 1, January 1989, pp7-12, 16 figs, 23 refs. #DATE 00:01:1989 in German

LL 29: Design for fire/smoke movement

Design for fire/smoke movement
#NO 8904 Review of tunnel fire and smoke simulations. 
AUTHOR Rhodes N 
BIBINF Aerodynamics and ventilation of vehicle tunnels. Conference proceedings, Liverpool, July 1994, Cockram I.Ed., MEP, 471-486, 9 figs, 13 refs. 

LL 28: Ventilation problems in crawlspaces

Ventilation problems in crawlspaces
#NO 6669 Indoor radon reduction in crawl-space houses: a review of alternative approaches.
AUTHOR Hanschel D B
BIBINF Denmark, Indoor Air, No 2, 1992, pp 272-287, 2 figs, 2 tabs, refs. #DATE 00:00:1992 in English

LL 27: Kitchen ventilation

Kitchen ventilation
#NO 9211 Remodelling kitchens: a smorgasbord of energy savings. 
AUTHOR Sullivan B 
BIBINF USA, Home Energy, September/October 1995, pp 11-16. 

LL 26: Effects of outdoor air pollution on indoor air

Effects of outdoor air pollution on indoor air
#NO 2639 Indoor air pollution and ventilation.
BIBINF CIBSE Technical Conference 1987, Supplement, 1-2 June 1987, p1-13, 2 figs, 4 tabs, 70 refs. #DATE 00:06:1987 in English

LL 25: Passive Solar Design

Passive Solar Design
#NO 10740 North Sun: solar energy at high latitudes. Proceedings.
MacGregor K, Porteous C
UK, James and James, 1994, 456pp.
The constant theme of the North Sun series of conferences is solar energy at high latitudes. The proceedings are divided into sessions covering solar water heating, active solar heating, photovoltaic applications, solar modelling and design tools, solar buildings including sunspaces and greenhouses, solar pre-heat for ventilation and solar insulation, windows and solar lighting, solar policy and implementation.
