LL 24: Passive Cooling

Passive Cooling

LL 23: Sustainability

#NO 11788 Indoor air quality and the use of energy in buildings.
Baldwin R (ed.)
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1996, EUR 16367 - European collaborative action 'Indoor air quality and its impact on man': Indoor Air Quality and the Use of Energy in Buildings, Environment and quality of life series, 68 pp, 3 figs, 7 tabs, ISBN 92 827 6347 1.

LL 22: Moisture and Condensation Problems in Buildings

Moisture and Condensation Problems in Buildings

LL 21: Displacement Ventilation Strategies

Displacement Ventilation Strategies
#NO 2125 Ventilation systems in residential buildings: requirements to the design of systems and equipment.
AUTHOR Meyringer V
BIBINF Proceedings of the CLIMA 2000 World Congress on Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning, Copenhagen, 25-30 August 1985. Edited by P O Fanger. Vol 6. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems. p287-293. 6 figs, 7 refs. #DATE 00:08:1985 in English

LL 20: Computational fluid dynamics for analysis of room air flow

Computational fluid dynamics for analysis of room air flow
#NO 11494 Detailed Experimental Data of Room Airflow with Displacement Ventilation
Chen Q, Yuan X, Hu Y, Glicksman L R, Yang X
Sweden, Stockholm, KTH Building Services Engineering, 1998, proceedings of Roomvent 98: 6th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, held June 14-17 1998 in Stockholm, Sweden, edited by Elisabeth Mundt and Tor-Goran Malmstrom, Volume 1, pp 133-140.

LL 19: Location of Exhausts and Inlets

Location of Exhausts and Inlets
#NO 17 The effect of wind on energy consumption in buildings.
AUTHOR Arens E.A. Williams P.B.
BIBINF Energy & Bldgs. May 1977, 1, (1), 77-84, 7 figs, 13 refs. #DATE 01:05:1977 in English

LL 18: Control of Cross Contamination from Smokers

Control of Cross Contamination from Smokers
#NO 261 Ventilation : the human factors
AUTHOR Brundrett G.W.
BIBINF Proceedings of Aston University/Electricity Council Research Establishment Conference on Controlled Ventilation ; held at University of Aston, 24 September 1975, 8p, 8 figs, 3 tabs, 21refs. #DATE 24:09:1975 in English.

LL 17: Flow through Large Openings

Flow through Large Openings

LL 16: Sick Buildings

Sick Buildings

LL 15: Identification of air leakage paths

Identification of air leakage paths
#NO 288 Analysis of infiltration by tracer gas technique, pressurization tests and infrared scans.
AUTHOR Stewart M.B. Jacob T.R. Winston J.G.
BIBINF Proceedings ASHRAE/DOE Conference "Thermal performance of the exterior envelopes of buildings" Florida December 3-5th 1979 10 figs, 3 tabs, 3 refs. #DATE 03:12:1979 in English
