Development of a modular toolbox in simulink for dynamic simulations of VOC-concentration in indoor air

Presence of volatile organic compounds in indoor air affects human health. Throat and eye irritation together with headache and weakness are symptoms related to volatile organic compounds. Hundreds of these compounds are normally present in indoor air. This paper presents a numerical simulation tool which is developed with the purpose to assess the concentration of volatile organic compounds in indoor air, taking into account the presence of building materials, furniture, appliances, and ventilation systems.

Development of a building energy model for carbon reduction in the UK non-domestic stock

The requirements for a scaleable energy model for the UK non-domestic building stock are described.. The non-domestic stock is much more heterogeneous than the domestic stock. The model needs to be scaleable from a single building, to a community or regional level. Approaches to using a small number of key inputs are described, using inference to combine empirical models, with building physics such as heat loss in a hybrid approach. Varying levels of information should be accommodated. Such models can be used to identify the most effective measures for reducing carbon emissions. 

Design with heat load simulation of combined passive-active systems

Application of EESLISM for the energy and environmental control system design in the example building is described. Examples of the combined systems of building thermal performance and mechanical heating and cooling are the solar heating system, the heat storage type air conditioning system, the ventilation cooling systems, etc. The simulation models for a single family house and an office building are described.

Design standard of energy conservation for building hvac 1system – a simplified method of chiller capacity estimation 2based on building envelope energy conservation index in 3taiwan

The research developed maximum chiller cooling capacity predicting equations with building shape factor and the ENVLOAD index which is now the building envelope energy conservation design control factor in Taiwan. The models are established base on numerous DOE-2.2 simulations and statistical multi-regression techniques. Totally, there were 21 sets of predicting models be built with a satisfactory R2  of 0.8 to 0.9.. 


Design of the natural ventilation system for the new San Diego children's museum

This paper presents an analysis of the thermal 
behaviour of the new San Diego Children’s museum 
and the subsequent development of a low energy 
climate control system. The museum is designed as a 
naturally ventilated building with no mechanical 

Design and simulation of a hybrid ventilation system withearth-air heat exchanger

This paper describes the design and simulation of a hybrid ventilation system for a recently constructed circus building in Montreal. The HVAC system draws fresh air through two underground ducts which are used for preheating or precooling. Another feature of this building is that it uses displacement ventilation. The air is supplied at low velocities (about 0.2 m/s maximum) through large diffusers behind the top level seats or under the seats. The paper describes a numerical model for the two underground ducts and a CFD study for the HVAC system.

Delight2 daylighting analysis in energy plus: integration and preliminary user results

DElight is a simulation engine for daylight and electric lighting system analysis in buildings. DElight calculates interior illuminance levels from daylight, and the subsequent contribution required from electric lighting to meet a desired interior illuminance. DElight has been specifically designed to integrate with building thermal simulation tools. This paper updates the DElight capability set, the status of integration into the simulation tool EnergyPlus, and describes a sample analysis of a simple model from the user perspective.

Daylighting simulation: comparison of softwares for architect'sutilization.

Daylighting Simulation is a complex task, involving many parameters, but an important step to design buildings, especially when the main purpose is more comfort and energy conservation. For architects, sim­ulation is still something far from the professional practice, due to the software’s complexities, difficul­ties to use software’s interface, hard interpretation of the results and many other reasons. This article analyses and compares 4 daylighting soft­ware: Desktop Radiance, Rayfront, Relux 2004 Vi­sion and Lightscape.

Cooling load simulation considering actual variation ofinhabitants’ behavior for accurate estimation of urban maximum energy requirement

A brand-new methodology for considerably accurate time-series cooling load calculation in a dwelling is established, motivated by the fact that dwelling energy requirements so significantly affect the so-called urban heat island. Calculation that takes variation among dwelling-inhabitants’ behaviors into consideration appears to be important. The proposed method contains two crucial features. The first is a procedure for cooling load calculation based on a series of Monte Carlo simulations where HVAC on/ off state and indoor heat generation schedule are variable time-step by time-step.

Comparison of measurements and simulations of a “passive house”

This paper presents the results of a comparison between measurements of a co-heating test in a passive house and the simulated response of the building to the same outdoor conditions calculated with the building simulation program Trnsys. Special attention is paid to the level of modelling necessary to get an acceptable level of corresponddence with the measurement results. Several improvements are put to the test in order to quantify their impact. Finally, some guidelines for simulating passive houses are formulated.

