The use of multiple building performance simulation tools during the design process: a case study in Singapore

This  paper  discusses  the  use  of  multiple  building performance simulation tools to support the design of a state-of-the-art intelligent library building in Singapore.

The simultaneous optimization of building fabric construction: HVAC system size, and the plant control strategy

The simultaneous optimization of building’s fabric construction, the size of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system, and the HVAC system supervisory control strategy, would auto- matically account for the thermal coupling between these building design elements. This paper describes the formulation of such an optimization problem for a single air conditioned zone.

The simulation of building integrated photovoltaics in commercial office buildings

Building   Integrated   Photovoltaic   (BIPV)   system implementation is on the rise worldwide. A computer modeling tool was developed to predict BIPV system power generation in commercial buildings. This tool utilizes hourly weather data files and  complex Electric Utility tariff structures to predict BIPV system power output as well as providing economic analysis. A number of cities and building  facade angles were modeled to test the predictive nature of this tool.

The significant factors in modelling residential buildings

For users and developers of energy simulation software tools, knowledge of which inputs have a signif- icant impact on the simulation results is very impor- tant, as this will dictate which areas of the building justify additional development and input time. In the form of a sensitivity study, those factors gen- erally considered to have the largest impact on simu- lated heating load, were compared against a  base case model—a typical Canadian house in Ottawa. It was determined that the simulated heat load was particularly sensitive to the following  parameters: the sub-zoning of the living

The need for computacional support in energy-efficient design projects in the Netherlands

This   paper   reports   on   a   research   project   that investigates the need for computational support for a specific stage of the building design process: the selection of energy saving components. The approach consists of a survey amongst architects and consultants who were involved in the design of recent energy-efficient building projects. The results reveal that computational tools only play a limited role in the selection of energy saving components, mainly due to the design decision process currently in use.

The multi-criterion optimization of building thermal design and control

The design of buildings is a multi-criterion optimization problem, there always being a trade- off to be made between capital expenditure, operating cost, and occupant thermal comfort. This paper investigates the application of a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) search method in the identification of the optimum pay- off characteristic between the elements of the building design problem. Results are presented for the pay-off characteris- tics between daily energy cost and zone thermal comfort, and for building capital cost and energy cost.

The influence of different courtyard configurations on natural ventilation through low-rise buildings

Natural  ventilation  represents  an  important  design strategy for school buildings in warm humid regions. It is an efficient way to improve students’ thermal comfort and productivity by natural means. Aiming to examine the influence of typical school buildings configuration on natural ventilation patterns, an investigation was conducted varying two important parameters (courtyard width and presence of pilotis) under two wind directions (45° and 90° in relation to the east facade).

The adaptive couling of computacional fluid dynamics with whole-building thermal simulation

A adaptive controller was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to support the conflation of CFD with dynamic whole-building thermal simulation. This controller manages all interactions between the thermal and CFD modelling domains. It incorporates the latest turbulence modelling advancements applicable for room air flow simulation and possesses a suite of handshak- ing and thermal boundary condition treatments. The controller is based upon a double-pass modelling approach.

Testing and validation of a new building energy simulation program

Formal  independent  testing  has  been  an  integral component in the development of EnergyPlus, a new building energy simulation program. Testing to date has included analytical, comparative, sensitivity, range, and empirical tests. Published test suites which include reference results have been applied as much as possible in order to take advantage of the efforts of others to develop well-defined, reproducible tests.
