A hierarchical design optimization framework for building performance analysis

This article presents a mathematical model that provides explicit support for preserving the consistency between decisions made at various points during building performance analysis. Analytical Target Cascading, a multilevel engineering design optimization framework, is applied to the energy analysis process. Within this framework, the energy analysis problem is decomposed into hierarchical levels based on individual performance goals. Interactions among all levels in the hierarchy are accounted for by linking them mathematically.

A decision-making tool to support integration of sustainable technologies in refurbishment projects

The aim of the European SSHORT (Sustainable Social Housing Refurbishment Technologies) project is to increase and promote rational and efficient use of energy in the retrofitting of social housing buildings. In this scope, one step was to develop a specific multicriteria decision-making tool to support decisionmakers in choosing the most adequate energy technological solutions for refurbishment in Europe. The tool (System Selection Tool) is based on a method for multi-criteria evaluation of combinatorial systems. The tool aims at an energy system as a combination of technical solutions.

A convergent optimization method using pattern search algorithms with adaptive precision simulation

Thermal building simulation programs, such as
EnergyPlus, approximate solutions of a differential
algebraic system of equations. While the theoretical

A continuous commissioning tool based on simulation and operation records

This paper describes a newly developed prototype of continuous commissioning tool that can be stand-alone or be embedded in a BEMS to continuously monitor a building’s HVAC systems performance and detect faults during operation phase. The component models are either taken from HVACSIM+, SIMBAD, etc. or newly developed. The tool judge whether there are faults in the systems through comparing the operational data with the performances of the systems without faults obtained from operation records or simulation.

A comparative assessment of fuel cell cogeneration heat recovery models

Two dissimilar models capable of predicting the electrical and thermal performance of residential cogeneration fuel cell systems have been developed for use with the ESP-r building simulation program. The first model examines low temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) systems, while the second model is better suited for the modelling of internally-reforming, high temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems. The models use different approaches to estimate the heat recovered from the fuel cell.

3d digital geometric reconstruction of the urban environment fot daylighting simulation studies

In principal, the algorithms used in advanced lighting simulation software are equally applicable to interior and exterior situations [Ashdown 1994][Ward 1998]. In practice the scope is limited: a realistic CAD model of a building in a complex urban geometry can have two/three orders of magnitude more data elements than a detailed model of a room.

Simulation models for testing control systems for HVAC applications

CEN  TC247  has  prepared  draft  standards  for  main types of room controllers. These standards include a performance testing procedure that was designed to facilitate the introduction on the market of innovative controllers (adaptive controllers, fuzzy  controllers...).

Simulation methodoly of radiant cooling with elevated air movement

In   this   paper,   we   present   a   new  method   of combining ASHRAE Room Energy Balance Method with 3-d airflow modeling to estimate the thermal comfort conditions of the emerging air- conditioning system that combines radiant cooling and desiccant dehumidification.

Simulation and optimal control strategies of HVAC Systems

An optimal combination of the characteristics of an air conditioning system and the control strategy is necessary to minimize costs and the energy demand. Therefore a sequential control for such a system was developed, tested by simulation and implemented in an existing plant. The simulation runs have been done with TRNSYS.For the sake of comparison, an optimized control was calculated using a nonlinear optimization method. For this purpose, TRNSYS had to be combined with MATLAB  which includes some optimization


Simulating the operation of photosensor-based lighting controls

Energy  savings  from  the  use  of  daylighting  in commercial buildings are realized through implementation of photoelectric lighting controls that dim electric lights when sufficient daylight is available to provide  adequate workplane illumination. The dimming level of electric lighting is based on the signal of a photosensor. Current simulation approaches for such systems are based on the questionable assumption that the signal of the photosensor is proportional to the task illuminance.
