Two dissimilar models capable of predicting the electrical and thermal performance of residential cogeneration fuel cell systems have been developed for use with the ESP-r building simulation program. The first model examines low temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) systems, while the second model is better suited for the modelling of internally-reforming, high temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems. The models use different approaches to estimate the heat recovered from the fuel cell. To quantify the differences inherent in these approaches, the models were configured to represent equivalent PEFC systems and their predictions were compared at a variety of operating points. In this paper, the heat recovery models are briefly described, and a comparative assessment based on the simulation results is presented. Recommendations for the use of the models in studying cogeneration PEFC systems are also discussed.
A comparative assessment of fuel cell cogeneration heat recovery models

Bibliographic info:
BUILDING SIMULATION, 8, 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands, p. 315-322