Low frequency magnetic interference in high-rise buildings

With increasing demands for electric power in large commercial buildings the problem of magnetic interference to sensitive equipment has increased. However, low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic interference is not generally addressed in the design and installation of building electrical distribution systems. The development of the upper limit of the background magnetic field levels in office buildings is discussed in relation to the physical layout of current carrying conductors.

Lightshelves and fins: carryng on where the tropical modernism left off

When modernist architecture in the tropics started in the 30´of the 20th century, air-conditioning systems and special glazing were not yet available.

Knowledge management for comfortableness and the energy saving of building management

This paper proposed two simulation methods of the “Cooperation control “. The Cooperation control is defined the optimize connecting control in the HVAC, artificial lighting and day-lighting combined with venetian blind control. The  first  method  is  RBFN(Radial  Basis  Function Networks)[1] that is a kind of Neural Networks. The method  is  adopted  for  learning  the  data  of  the “Expert“ contorol value. The method makes the modl. The second is SOM (Self-organizing Maps) [2] that is another Neural Networks, too. SOM is one method of  the  Data  Mining.

Interative validation process of existing buildings simulation models

The  paper  presents  a  dynamic  approach  of  the validation process of existing building simulation model. The normalization of the simulation results and the division of the electricity and gas bill are realized by taking into account the balance point temperatures for appropriate degree-days. These temperatures, as it was shown in this paper, could change during the validation process, as opposed to most cases where these temperatures are arbitrary fixed for the whole process.

Integration of building simulation into the design process of an architecture practice

A key barrier to the acceptance of simulation within building design has been identified as the fact that it is not fully integrated into the design process. The project described in this paper attempts to address this barrier by embedding modelling as a standard component of design practice procedures within an architectural practice. Important elements of the research that are described in the paper are:

Integrated LCA: tool for ecological design

To  meet  the  requirements  of  building  owners  and users in environmental issues, life cycle assessment (LCA) has become an important method to monitor the ecological perspective during design and decision making processes. Existing LCA tools are separately available, but are missing the important links to other design tools, such as architectural, technical system design and energy simulation softwares. This paper presents a new integrated tool BSLCA for ecological design and analysis of building services.

Integrated energy use analysis in office spaces

Energy demand of different glazing materials and light control systems for office spaces are analyzed in this paper. The approach is based on an improvement of the hourly simulation program IENUS (Integrated ENergy Use Simulation), that was developed to assess building energy demand taking into account the integration between visual and thermal aspects. IENUS implements thermal aspects by the transfer function method, while daylighting is pre-processed by the package Superlite before entering in IENUS.

Influence of sensor position in building thermal control: development and validation of an adapted zone model

This paper presents the development of a zone model adapted to the study of the influence of the sensor position in building thermal control. The temperature measured by the sensor of a room temperature controller depends on its position in the zone. The measured sensor temperature depends of the convective coupling of the zone and its emitter and can differ from the “mean air temperature”.

Impact of a veranda on the reduction of the energy consumption in residential buildings: an application of the Clim2000 software

In  this  paper,  the  impact  of  a  veranda  (attached sunspace) on energy consumption is analyzed by numerical simulations (Clim2000 software) for two different configurations : a (existing) residential individual house and a (new) apartment building.

HVAC system design automation: issues, methods, and ultimate limits

We have developed software applications that design HVAC systems (that is, select, locate, and size components and their interconnections)  given building descriptions, user preferences, and built-in rules.
