In recent years several daylighting systems were developed. Due to a generally felt lack of daylight because of climatic conditions the development was mainly concentrated in Central Europe, Japan, the United States and Australia.
There are two purposes for this paper, one is that the calculation method, which took sunlight into consideration using All Sky Model, is shown, and another is executing simulations by this method. The simulations are able to verify the daylighting technique of Japanese traditional architecture. Skylight and sunlight intensity are calculated using All Sky Model. The algorithm of daylight calculation uses the virtual cube, which divided into many grid cells. This cube is placed on a sample point and the illumination at the sample point from each patch is calculated.
Due to in adequate architectural standards and bad building design, one can frequently find school buildings with very bad performance regarding energy efficiency. This paper is part of a extensive research program aiming to examine the influence several architectural parameters in the environmental and energy performance of classrooms in warm humid tropics. Here it presents a parametric investigation on the effect of four different courtyard configurations on daylighting of typical Brazilian classrooms.
The use of daylighting in buildings can be an improvement when trying to enhance the environmental quality and the energy efficiency of them. When we talk about commercial buildings, especially shopping centers, daylight has a specific significance, due to the use of the building e the various activities performed inside. This article presents some results of simulations with the software Lightscape®, utilizing different design solutions and components, aiming to improve the existing situation in terms of visual comfort and energy efficiency in a case study building.
Daylight illuminance is one of the most important element which comprises the luminous environment by daylight both in interior and at outdoor of building. Daylight is taken into interior mainly through the window. Therefore, the plan of daylighting is closely connected with the design of openings such as window. Examples of application for daylight factor distribution in interior were calculated in several rooms with facing several orientations by using a simulation technique.
The energy efficiency of switchable (variable transmittance) windows having a control system based on occupancy, temperature and impinging solar radiation is evaluated.
Technological advances in real-time data collection,data transfer and ever-increasing computational power are bringing simulation assisted control and on-line fault detection and diagnosis closer to reality than was imagined when Building Energy Management Systems were introduced in the 1970s. This paper describes the development and testing of a prototype simulation assisted controller, in which a detailed simulation program is embedded in realtime control decision making.
The paper is focused on the application of the simulation in the field of the space heating systems, based on the infrared radiant heaters. In the first part is preview of different sw packages. In the second part there is a case-study of local heating design evaluation, where two different sw packages are used. Hefaistos is used to design the layout of the heaters, ESP-r is used to investigate the energy consumption and time dependent temperature variation.
While recent advances in computational building performance modeling have been remarkable, their impact on building design community has been limited. In this paper we focus on one possible contributing factor, i.e., insufficient support for navigation in design-performance space. To address this shortcoming, we concentrate on a process that involves: i) generation of alternative building designs, ii) performing parametric performance simulations, and iii) exploration of the resulting design-performance information space.
Computational performance-based building design support faces a conflict. It is important to provide building performance feed back to the designer as early as possible in the design process. But many aspects of building performance are significantly affected by the design of the building’s technical systems, which are typically configured in detail only in the later stages of design.