A general method to determine the shading of direct and diffuse radiation is presented. This can handle an almost infinite number building surfaces and screens of any shape. Furthermore, the method can be used to determine view factors in rooms of arbitrarily shape.
A study of the way in which humans visually perceive the motion of high-rise buildings was carried out. In our experiment, an edited movie was projected so that the subjects could observe the motion of the view from a window. The movie was edited by changing the speed of pictures that had been previously recorded by a video camera moving at a constant low velocity. In this way, a visual simulator created a movie replicating a cosine wave. The results of this experiment showed that visual perception is more sensitive than physical perception in the case of torsional motion.
This paper presents a tool, based on a method using IDA for simulation of duct systems and MATLAB as a pre- and post-processor, to study the controllability of VAV-systems. The focus of this paper is on how the data created during the simulations are analysed and how criteria matrices are used to determine the grade of controllability of the systems. The method is tested on a set of different system configurations and the result shows that it, as a whole, appears to be viable. Furthermore, there is a discussion about how MATLAB and IDA are used as an integrated part of the method.
This paper describes a control scheme with fault detection capabilities suitable for application to HVAC systems. The scheme uses static simulation models of the system under control to generate feedforward control action, which acts to supplement a conventional PI(D) feedback loop.
This paper describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a computational tool for the comprehensive support of the lighting design process.
The U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense (DOE and DOD) are jointly developing EnergyBase, a new building energy simulation tool that builds on the capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2.
The purpose of our research deals with the description of a methodology for the definition of specific weather sequences and their influence on the energy needs of HVAC system. We’ll apply the method on the tropical Reunion Island. The methodological approach based on a detailed analysis of weather sequences leads to a classification of climatic situations that can be applied to the site. These sequences have been used to simulate buildings and air handling systems thanks to a thermal simulation code, CODYRUN.
Stadium Australia is to be the centrepiece of the year 2000 Sydney Olympics. The architects aimed to minimise energy consumption by incorporating passive design measures which would provide ventilation, natural cooling and warming and daylight.
HOT2000™, a residential energy analysis program, is constantly under evolution. New models are added to the program and its user base is ever expanding. As such it is important to continuously validate the program and ensure that it will be useful in its intended markets. To this end, HOT2000™ has been run through the HERS BESTEST, a comparative testing method against other detailed simulation programs. This report outlines the cases modeled and the assumptions which were made.