A simulation of an underground heat storage system using midnight eletric power at Park Dome Kumamoto

The purpose of this study is to investigate how much the peak daytime demand for electricity is reduced by an underground heat storage system that uses surplus electricity during the nighttime. In this paper, we report on a numerical simulation method and the results from an energy performance simulation of this system at Park Dome Kumamoto, a Kumamoto Prefecture indoor athletic facility.

A simple building modelling procedure for matlab/simulink

A computationally-efficient building thermal model is developed for short-timescale investigations applicable to control system design. A lumpedcapacity treatment of the building elements is used which can be summarised by a simple analogue electric circuit. The method is procedurallytransparent and leads to a state-space description of a building space which is implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The model is tested using experimental data from a building with high thermal capacity.

A program for ground temperature data generation based on the expanded amedas weather CD-ROMS

The Expanded AMeDAS Weather Data CD-ROMs would be available and may be utilized to conduct building simulations. However, the CD-ROMs do not include temperature data for thermally undisturbed ground. Considering that such data constitute important information for thermal design, a program having graphical user interface is developed for generatation of hourly ground temperatures based on the CD-ROMs’ data. This paper describes the numerical methods applied for the data generation, the scheme of the program, and the database of soil thermal properties that works with the program.

A practical example of the CHAT_D software application for predicting the risk of thermal disconfort in a house equipped with a cooling floor

The CHAT-D software environment was developed by the Electricity Applications in the Residential and Commercial Buildings Branch, of the research and development division of EDF (Electricité de France). Our main objective is to ensure the well-being and the comfort of the inhabitants. Work carried out with the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) of Strasbourg has enabled us to define the behavioural laws of a human being's metabolism, showing the advantages of a dynamic model. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of CHAT-D, we will be studying an academic case which is a c

A potentially fast, flexible and accurate earth-contact heat transfer simulation method

It is a basic premise of this paper that accurate earthcontact simulation is important and that the rapid parametric analysis of a structure can help designers pinpoint critical aspects of a structure early in the design stage. Numerical tools are an attractive option for this role in that they are potentially flexible and accurate. However, their application to such a tool is limited by their lack of speed. A new tool for use in paramteric analysis is proposed which incorporates a numerical model with elements of the response factor method.

A nodal model for displacement ventilation and chilled ceiling systems in office spaces

A nodal model has been developed to represent room heat transfer in displacement ventilation and chilled ceiling systems. The model uses precalculated air flow rates to predict the air temperature distribution and the division of the cooling load between the ventilation air and the chilled ceiling.

A new filtrered subgrid-scale model for large eddy simulation of indoor airflow

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with a Dynamic Subgrid-scale Model (DSM) is a powerful tool to predict indoor airflow. However, the model needs to average the model coefficient over a homogeneous direction. Since most indoor airflow does not have a homogeneous direction, this study proposed a new Filtered Dynamic Subgrid-scale Model (FDSM) without the need of a homogeneous flow direction. The predicted air velocity, air temperature and turbulence distributions agree reasonably well with the experimental data. The results show that the FDSM can be used to simulate indoor airflow.

A new algorithm for the simulation of sound propagation in spatial enclosures

Traditional algorithms for the simulation of sound propagation in spatial enclosures include the image source method and the ray-tracing method. These algorithms are computation intensive and take a long time to generate results. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for the simulation of sound propagation in spatial enclosures that is relatively fast. This algorithm is based on modeling the surfaces of a spatial enclosure as sound radiators. The purpose of the algorithm is to generate an energy response graph at a certain listening location based on a sound source.

A modular: loop-based approach to HVAC energy simulation and its implementation in EnergyPlus

This paper presents the new EnergyPlus HVAC simulation environment, which differs from existing energy analysis programs in three key respects. First, the EnergyPlus HVAC simulation is based on a "manager-interface" protocol that supports multiple solution techniques within the overall context of the simulation. Second, the EnergyPlus HVAC simulation is based on high level component connectivity. Third, the EnergyPlus simulation and component modules enforce a high degree of data encapsulation.

A model for simulation of daylighting and occupancy sensors as an energy control strategy for office buildings

This paper describes a computer simulation model for assessing the potential energy savings in office buildings through the use of daylight and occupancy sensors. Because motion sensors control the lights, special attention is placed on a Monte Carlo approach to establishing lighting schedules for the typical workday. Fixed lighting profiles were shown to generate misleading information regarding electric demand charges and life-cycle costs of the building.
