The CHAT-D software environment was developed by the Electricity Applications in the Residential and Commercial Buildings Branch, of the research and development division of EDF (Electricité de France). Our main objective is to ensure the well-being and the comfort of the inhabitants. Work carried out with the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) of Strasbourg has enabled us to define the behavioural laws of a human being's metabolism, showing the advantages of a dynamic model. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of CHAT-D, we will be studying an academic case which is a close simulation of a real situation and which initially qualifies the thermal environment experienced by a human being. The chosen example simulates various scenes of activity (reading, cooking, eating, working) of a human being in accommodation equipped with cooling floors during the summer. According to the simulation conditions, we can continually monitor the comfort experienced, and also propose technical solutions capable of satisfying the inhabitant at any moment.
A practical example of the CHAT_D software application for predicting the risk of thermal disconfort in a house equipped with a cooling floor
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 6, 1999, Kyoto, Japan, p. 393-399