Calibration of BlowerDoor measuring devices

Purpose of the work

The presentation provides background information on the calibration of airtightness testing devices.

Content of the presentation

Regulations and certification in Ireland

Purpose of the work

To review the impact of air tightness testing in construction in Ireland since the introduction of mandatory testing under the National Building Regulations in 2008 and the subsequent enforcement of a National Certification Scheme.

Method of approach

Review of National Building Regulations in 2008 & 2011 and implications on buildings being constructed and the industry's acceptance.

Content of the presentation

There is a draught, so what? Robust, tried and tested solutions ‒ Airtightness designs of structural elements and building components

Proposals for solutions in accordance with German standard DIN 4108 Teil 7 What does real life look like? What can actually be solved? Challenges, interface issues between the different trades and crafts, and possible suggestions for solutions.

Infiltration through leaks? A careful analysis of minimum air change according to DIN 1946

Purpose of the work

Can the minimum air change in naturally window-ventilated units be covered only through leakages?

Content of the presentation

In general, the infiltration airflow rate is dependent on meteorological conditions, especially wind pressure on the building / unit, and with regard to thermal effects, the temperature differential between the interior and the exterior, i.e. the infiltration airflow varies strongly.

From “16 to 1“ ‒ Retrofitting airtightness of roofs in existing buildings from the inside

Purpose of the work

Many top-floor apartments and single-family homes from the ’80s and ’90s had been insulated in the roof area using aluminum-clad panels or PE foils and had frequently been covered with profiled wood. These buildings suffer from a significant lack of airtightness that can be retrofitted from the inside with a high technical quality. The improvement in airtightness achieved by this approach in most cases shows better results than a retrofit from the outside.

Method of approach

Evaluating the airtightness of the building envelope using infrared thermographic measurements

Purpose of the work

Is it possible to estimate an air infiltration flow rate, based on infrared images?

Method of approach

Laboratory tests and numerical simulations

Content of the presentation

This paper discusses laboratory measurements on a small test house. IRT measurements and (de)pressurization tests were performed on different types of junctions, e.g. at the window-wall interface. The results were analysed by calculating the temperature factor, to compare IRT images from different joints.

Airtight, not completely airtight, not airtight at all. How (in)tolerant is the legal definition of flaw? Observations on the legal assessment of “structural tolerance” and possible related misunderstandings

Purpose of the work

When it comes to evaluating the quality of building work, technical and legal perspectives often clash. This is probably particularly true when it comes to evaluating the airtightness of building envelopes. This presentation is an attempt at clearing up frequent misunderstandings and at formulating questions that would help to combine the technical and legal ways of assessing quality in the most practical manner possible.

Method of approach
