Automatic generation of complex simulation models of buildings with solar heating systems

Comprehensive studies of the energy saving potential for buildings will often not be performed in a design phase - especially not for renovation projects. There may be several reasons; for that but it may often be related to the amount of time needed to create models of the buildings and plants. The paper describes a method for auto-generation of complex simulation models for existing, documented and validated simulation programs. An automatic model generator has been developed for Danish conditions and programs.

Analytical and numerical analysis of dynamic insulation

Analytical solutions to the heat flow equation in a dynamic insulation is presented. A numerical least:squares method, called the gradient method, to estimate the steady state and transient air flow through a dynamic insulation is presented. The method was applied to measurements from a house with dynamicinsulation in the ceiling. The analysis showed that 40% of the total inlet air passed through the insulation. The measured energy efficiency was very similar to the calculated one.

An interactive energy design and simulation tool for building designers

This paper discusses a detailed building energy simulation model that has been made available to thebuilding designer through a graphic user interface. The simulation model uses hourly energy calculationsdriven by an hourly weather data generator. Capabilities of the simulation portion include: monthlyenergy loads and utility bill predictions, peak load analysis, demand charge evaluations, life-cycle cost:analysis, and floating space temperature prediction for comfort analysis in passive designs.

An integrated approach for energy saving and control optimisation of centralized air-conditioning system

This paper presents an integrated approach for the energy saving, control optimization and BEMS/BMSapplication of centralized air conditioning systems. The approach is based on the field test/monitoring, building realistic performance simulation and emulation. The methods and their roles for improving the operation, the control optimization and EMCS/BMS application are discussed. Examples of utilization are presented.

An improved procedure for developing calibrated hourly simulation models

In order to improve upon previous calibration techniques, this paper presents new calibration methodsincluding a temperature bin analysis to improve hourly x-y scatter plots, a 24-hour weatherdaytype bin analysis to allow for the evaluation of hourly temperature and schedule dependent comparisons, and a 52-week bin analysis to facilitate the evaluation of long-term trends. In addition, architectural rendering is suggested as a means of verifying the building envelope dimensions and external shading placement.

An error analysis method applied to a building simulation software : an example of application and its results

Within the framework of an Anglo-French validation project funded by EDF and the BRE, a building model has been tested using an error analysis method. The first step enabled the identification of the different discrepancy sources. The second step pointed out the way the model should be improved to fit to reality. Presently, the major accuracy gains can be expected from improvements on heat exchange between air and heating system, glazing modelling and solar radiation distribution.

Multiple model software for airflow and thermal building simulation: a case study under tropical humid climate in Réunion Island

The first purpose of our work has been to allow-as far as heat transfer modes, airflow calculation and meteorological data reconstitution are concerned-the integration of diverse interchangeable physical models in a single software tool for professional use, CODYRUN. The designer's objectives, precision requested and calculation time consideration, lead us to design a structure accepting selective use of models, taldng into account multizone description and airflow patterns.

Thermal loads: a structural engineers perspective

From a structural perspective, the question is whether temperature changes during the lifetime of a building are sufficient to affect its integrity. Changes in average temperature and temperature differentials are the key thermal loading parameters. Ile purpose of this paper is to show bow computer models have been used to construct design charts for thermal loading. Firstly, the models were calibrated from temperature measurements of actual structures. The field tests cover several years and a range of climatic conditions.

Thermal design tools in Australia a comparative study of TEMPER, CHEETAH, ARCHIPAK and QUICK

After a brief review of the development of thermal design tools world-wide, those available in Australia are considered and four are selected for validation. A review of validation methodologies is followed by simulation results compared with measured data obtained from simple test cells. Some preliminary results are presented The current continuation of the work is outlined.

Thermal and CFD modelling vs. wind tunnel in natural ventilation studies

A major case study of a high rise, city-centre of ce building in continental Europe was undertaken in a true commercial environment. Three dimensional thermal and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling was carried out for major spaces in parallel with wind tunnel tests and results compared. Three different methods were used to assess the ventilation rate in the wind tunnel tests: surface pressure coefficients, tracer gas and direct velocity measurements.
