This paper discusses a detailed building energy simulation model that has been made available to thebuilding designer through a graphic user interface. The simulation model uses hourly energy calculationsdriven by an hourly weather data generator. Capabilities of the simulation portion include: monthlyenergy loads and utility bill predictions, peak load analysis, demand charge evaluations, life-cycle cost:analysis, and floating space temperature prediction for comfort analysis in passive designs. The visual interface program is written to operate under the Windows environment, thus allowing the user to freely choose the sequence of events in describing the building and its energy parameters.This visual interface consists of a mouse-operated drawing tool as well as custom-designed pop-down screens that permit: the user to rapidly access standardized data bases. These data bases are populated with default values describing wall, roof, and window assemblies, occupancy schedules, lighting and HVAC systems and schedules, temperature profiles, and economic parameters. This tool permits iterative inputs, results examination, and changes in the building design without leaving the Windows environment. It has the ability to help the building designer with new building designs as well as retrofit designs, and can be useful for pre-checking the building design for code compliance. Detailed simulations also allow for examination of energy savings from daylighting, alternative building envelope designs, thermal envelope insulation, and efficient HVAC systems.
An interactive energy design and simulation tool for building designers
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Madison, USA, 1995, p. 431-436