Innovative technologies and low energy solutions in the building industry are well known,but are often not preferred in refurbishment of public buildings. Lack of knowledge, costand maintenance are some of the known restraints.The BRITA in PuBs project is an EU-supported integrated demonstration and researchproject that aims to increase the market penetration of innovative and cost-effective retrofitsolutions to improve energy efficiency and implement renewable energy in public buildingsall over Europe.
The aim of the DEMOHOUSE project is to develop minimum standards andrecommendations for energy-efficient and sustainable renovation of social housingestates. Within this, the Decision Support Tool is one of the final results and usesknowledge gathered throughout the DEMOHOUSE project. In many European countries,social housing is owned by housing associations, municipalities or housing co-operations.To facilitate the decision makers in these organisations a simple instrument which helps toselect relevant information for making decisions is developed within the DEMOHOUSEproject.
SARA aims to construct sustainable, cost effective, high energy performance, publicaccesseco-buildings that are immediately replicable at large scale in many locations.
This work evaluates the performance of different façade solutions, comparing simulation results of glass type and (internal and/or external) solar protection, in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For the simulations, it was considered as
This paper reviews the results of a series of studies carried out since the early 1990’s to assess the performance of approximately 50 naturally ventilated, hybrid ventilated or air conditioned buildings in Sydney, Australia. A number of significant case
In the frame of the SARA project – Sustainable Architecture applied to Replicable public Access buildings – the Catalan Energy Institute ICAEN carried out different training and dissemination activities taking advantage of synergies with activities and ma
The BRITA in PuBs Information Tool is being developed within the EU 6th Framework integrated project “Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings - BRITA in PuBs”. The project has its main focus on the design, realisation, monitoring a
Most advantage eco buildings libraries select, organize, retrieve, and transmit tacit andexplicit information/knowledge. Different reports contained an explicit criticism of thelibraries focus on their specific collections and a recommendation to focus more on userneeds. There is a need to overpass the key limitations in the development of traditionallibraries, which have been developed for a particular content and a specific group oflearners. We suppose that the future libraries will become a practical knowledgestorehouse and will offer intelligent opportunities for people.
A Post Occupancy Evaluation was performed in the Administration and Student ServicesBuilding (ASSB) in Southampton University as part of the European project SustainableArchitecture Applied to Replicable Public-Access Buildings (SARA). This building wasfinished in the spring of 2006, and the staff has been asked to comment on itsperformance over the first summer and winter.
An analysis of the energy consumption of the built environment in Europe shows that themain challenge to achieve substantial energy reductions in this sector lies in improving theenergy efficiency of the existing stock rather than in designing and building energy efficientnew dwellings. This challenge is especially pungent when taking into account the buildingstock of former Eastern European countries, where energy efficiency was never a greatissue and where investments in energy efficiency are difficult to find.This is area where the EU - funded project Demohouse is focusing on.