Thunshelle, K.
Bibliographic info:
2nd EU FP6 Ecobuildings Symposium, City Hall Stuttgart, Germany, April 2008

Innovative technologies and low energy solutions in the building industry are well known,but are often not preferred in refurbishment of public buildings. Lack of knowledge, costand maintenance are some of the known restraints.The BRITA in PuBs project is an EU-supported integrated demonstration and researchproject that aims to increase the market penetration of innovative and cost-effective retrofitsolutions to improve energy efficiency and implement renewable energy in public buildingsall over Europe. The project demonstrates the solutions by exemplary retrofit of eightdemonstration public buildings in four European regions. The research issues include asocio-economic research study identifying real project-planning needs, financingstrategies, the development of design guidelines, the development of an internet-basedknowledge tool on retrofit measures and case studies and a quality control-tool box tosecure a good long-term performance of buildings and systems.The ECO-BUILDING concept is expected to be the meeting point of short-termdevelopment and demonstration in order to support legislative and regulatory measures forenergy efficiency and enhanced use of renewable energy solution within the buildingsector, which go beyond the Directive of the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD).In order to provide right and exact information about retrofitting innovation in publicbuildings to the actors of the decision process, the BRITA project has developed a set ofguidelines. The guidelines are designed to support the decision-makers in the choice ofenergy efficient and sustainable solutions.