It is difficult to satisfy all workers in an office with respect to thermal comfort by a total air conditioningsystem. An individually controlled system that can create a preferable thermal environment for eachoccupant is therefore needed. In the present study, a chair incorporating two fans under the seat andbehind the backrest of the chair to provide isothermal forced airflow to the occupant was developed.Experiments were conducted in a climate chamber during summer. Seven healthy college studentsparticipated as subjects.
This paper aims at pointing out that how a District Cooling system can be a more energy efficientsolution compared with a decentralized cooling solution. In order to give a fair comparison, the authorapplies equivalent electric power coefficient of performance. This comparison approach will beinstructive for designing an energy efficient cooling solution in China.Firstly, the paper gives the definition, components and possible energy source of a District CoolingSystem.
The particle-free conditions provided by cleanrooms are vital for much of modern manufacturingindustry. There has been a substantial increase in the working environment of cleanroom. Specialgarments are therefore dressed in all cleanrooms to control particles and microbiological contaminationdispersed from personnel in cleanrooms. However, more tightly-woven fabrics of cleanroom garmentswill result in thermal comfort dissatisfaction. In this study, field tests of a cleanroom have been carriedout in our newly constructed MEMS laboratory.
Detailed airflow pattern and particulate contamination characteristics, induced by dump-type air supplyin a full-scaled conventionally-ventilated clean room, are investigated numerically. Standard k- epsilonturbulence model is applied to calculate velocity vector, turbulent intensity etc. mainly due to theadoption of large ACH which results in high turbulence indoors. Based on the criterion proposed byMurakami et al, small-slip model in Euler framework advanced by S. L. Soo is applied to characterizeparticulate diffusion.
All over the world, Chinese restaurants can be found everywhere and the Chinese foods are famous.The Chinese food preparation procedure includes: frying, stir-frying, stew, etc. In the process of cooking,It releases large amounts of aerosol which is the mixture of vapor, PAHs (Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbon), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), etc. When the aerosol mixes with combustionexhaust-gas, the mixture becomes main air contaminant in kitchen.
This paper examines air-conditioning loads by several air-conditioning patterns and heat methods of asuper high-rise residence by using the dynamic simulation software THERB (the simulation softwareof the thermal environment of residential buildings) which can estimate temperature, humidity, sensibletemperature, and heating/cooling load for multiple zones of buildings. As high-rise residences, the ratiothat the structural skeleton dominates a floor area is bigger than that of ordinary residences, and itsskeleton is used concrete generally.
The main objective of the ongoing research project described in this paper was to study the potential forreducing energy used for ventilating buildings by using low-polluting building materials, withoutcompromising the indoor air quality. To quantify this potential, the exposure-response relationships, i.e.the relationships between ventilation rate and perceived indoor air quality, were established for roomsfurnished with different categories of polluting materials and the simulations of energy used forventilation were carried out.
Recent studies show that improving indoor air quality (IAQ) from the mediocre level prevalent in manybuildings worldwide improves the performance of office work by adults and the performance ofschoolwork by children. These results constitute a strong incentive for providing indoor air of a qualitythat is better than the minimum levels required by present standards.
The three-dimensional heat transfer performance of the slotted light steel-framed composite wall atminimum temperature is simulated using the finite element software of ANSYS. Based on the simulatedresults of heat transfer and the theory of moisture permeation, moisture transfer of the composite wall iscalculated. The results show that there is no condensation at the inner wall surface at the minimumtemperature in Harbin when the thickness of the wall is 229mm. The condensation may occur in the rockwool near the outer wall.
Building energy simulation has proved useful in the development of building energy codes (especiallyperformance-based) and subsequent code compliance checking. A weather year is required for thehourly computation of heating/cooling loads and corresponding energy consumption. Many locationshave measured daily solar radiation data, but not hourly. Attempts were made to model hourly globalsolar radiation (GSR) data from measured daily values using the Liu and Jordan method for Harbin,Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming and Hong Kong.