Personalized Ventilation (PV) has been shown to improve inhaled air quality recently. However, it maylead to dissatisfaction such as draft due to personalized air applied locally to the facial region, orstuffiness due to inadequate air supply. This study aims to identify some reasons for the dissatisfactionamong tropically acclimatized people through a systematically experimental design.In this study 24 subjects were subjected to a series of random facial exposure to local air movementeach of 15 minutes duration in a well-controlled indoor air quality chamber.
In the sickroom, high indoor air quality and thermal comfort is essential for the treatment of patients.Therefore it is proposed to use displacement ventilation for the whole room ventilation and the radiantpanel for the thermal comfort of each bed. This study is intended to investigate validity of this system.This paper shows the experimental and calculated results of the displacement-ventilated room with onebed and one radiant panel. The vertical profile of contaminant concentration and temperature aremeasured and compared with the calculated ones.
The epidemiological research on indoor environments in homes and health has been reviewed.Science has mainly been about health effects like asthma/allergies and exposures such as VOCs,mould and dampness. So far there are few conclusive findings. Dampness, pets, mites, dampness,ETS, a low ventilation rate, and some phthalates are risk factors for asthma and allergies. There is alarge need of studies of other health effects, and other exposures, especially regarding new frequentlyused chemicals.
This paper presents the benefit of natural ventilation of a roof cavity to reduce summer thermal loads ofa factory and, therefore, the cooling load due to air-conditioning systems with respect to various climatezones in Japan. A simulation program was developed to analyze the impact of cavity ventilation on theoperative temperatures of the occupied zones in a factory. Three climate zones in Japan: cold region(Sapporo), temperate hot-humid region (Tokyo), and subtropical region (Naha) were selected forcomparison. In an air-conditioning mode, two calculations of cooling loads were made.
The goal of this work is to investigate the ability of three eddy viscosity turbulent models, the standardk-?, the RNG k-? and the k-?, in predicting the three-dimensional airflow in a room under forcedconvection. The experimental data from Nielsen (1990), which represents a large room where the airenters horizontally at the top of one side and leaves the room at the bottom of the opposite side, wasused to validate the models. The mean velocity and the turbulence intensity profiles for Reynoldsnumber of 5,000 are presented in two planes of the room with two inlet arrangements.
In recent years, the control of airborne ions has become one of the important research items of indoorenvironment. Generally, it is quite difficult to get the sample of airborne ions, because their electriccharge might be discharged if they touch any surface. The authors considered that it would be possibleto evaluate how many of the sampled molecules had existed as ions in air, if the relationship betweenairborne ions concentration and its adsorption rate to the surface was clarified.
In Korea, there is growing interest in the remodeling of aged apartment buildings. Traditionally, theheating panel in Korea is a wet type floor heating panel that utilizes radiation. But if a wet type floorheating panel is installed in an aged apartment during its remodeling, some problems may occur. Theyinclude failure to secure enough ceiling height, to reduce level of floor impact noise and possibility thatthe load on the existing structure is increased.
Application of night cooling to educational buildings looks very promising in mild climates. Night coolingstrategy performance in a school building to be realised in Italy during 2008 has been studied by meansof a commercial CFD code.Due to the symmetry of the building, first a 2D numerical model consisting of a vertical section throughthe three-storey building has been developed. The CFD model includes the solid zone describing theconcrete structure.
The objective of this paper is to apply a novel decoupling control method, direct feedback linear (DFL),to VAV air-conditioning system, which is differences from local linear decoupling control method. Amodel of VAV air-condition room is developed by a typical air conditioning system. Using DFL control,decoupling control is realized among multi-control loops in VAV air conditioning system and a linearmulti-inputmulti-output model is obtained. According to the VAV air conditioning model the real-timeDFL control system is designed and simulated based on MATLAB/SIMLINK.
In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of sorptive building materials in reducing VOCsconcentrations in air using a small test chamber. Air containing a low concentration of VOCs wassupplied and any decrease in the VOCs concentrations was measured at the exhaust. Five differenttypes of building materials were investigated; activated carbon, gypsum board mixed with a givenquantity of activated carbon, board made out of activated carbon, humidity-controlling porous ceramicmaterial and ordinary gypsum board.